The Week of Pentecost is a fast-free week
The Parish Council will meet tomorrow night at 7 here at church.
St. Joseph’s Young Adults will meet at the Rectory at 7 PM, this Friday evening, the 17th, for a Pizza Party, celebrating Pentecost and the fast-free opportunity it provides.
A Baptism! – God willing, Thomas Hurlock will be baptized this coming Saturday at 2 PM, and Kyrill Shillen is his sponsor.
A Baby Shower will be held Tuesday, June 21st, at 7 PM at the Rectory for Mariya Petrenko and Elena Swenson. Please RSVP Mariya with your intention to be there.
Photo Report and Beltsville News Article – A photo-report of the Metropolitan’s visit is being prepared for the Diocesan website, as well as an article for the Beltsville News. Today is the last day that any photos of that day can be submitted for possible inclusion.
Meal Signups – Please add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks.
Our New Church Cleaning System – The reimbursement is $40 for one cleaning and the normal day to do this is Friday, in plenty of time for the weekend services. If you want to sponsor a cleaning (by providing $40), you can do that too. For both of these possibilities, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the kitchen. Please talk to Mariya Petrenko for details regarding the cleaning job. Sponsors should make out a check to the church with “church cleaning” on the memo line. Since, so far, the response to this initiative has not met expectations, you may be approached to participate. As always in history, the way to escape the draft is to volunteer.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov Summer Camp Registration (we hope) is still open. The camp will run from July 31st to August 7th and the cost is $225 per child. The camp is for children in grades 3-12, but older people can help out. This is an excellent opportunity for our youngsters to make life long connections with other Orthodox people their age. The camp fills up quickly so act now. Talk to Father Christopher or Matushka Dorothy for more information.
Nick’s Place – We collect non-perishable goods for the local half-way house for young men. They are very grateful for what we bring. The orange bin to hold your donations is in the corner by the closet. Please talk to Monica Pelt about specific needs or other ways you can help.
Parish Feast Weekend – Save the Date – July 16-18 – God-willing, Bishop Jerome and Father Deacon Dimitri will be joining us for our parish feast weekend in July. Reader Nectarios will bring the Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon. The Vigil and Divine Liturgy will be Saturday & Sunday July 16th & 17th. There will be a potluck reception at the rectory after the Liturgy. In commemoration of the 5th anniversary of his repose, on Monday morning, July 18th, the holy icon will be with us for a memorial service (pannyhida) for Matushka’s father, John Garvey.
You may notice that Matushka Deborah is absent. Thanks be to God, she is fine. She had the privilege of being asked to be Godmother to baby Anastasia, the daughter of Father Robert and Matushka Krissy Miclean, who shepherd an Orthodox mission to the colleges in Annapolis, and she is there today, fulfilling that divine and joyful duty.
We welcome visitors and new members of our community – Please sign our guest book back by the church-shaped donation box
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From 'St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Zealous Builder of Churches'
Everywhere he went he either oversaw the building of churches or supported the same with his attention and prayers... He wrote about the godly work of building churches:
"In building churches here on earth, we create for ourselves eternal habitations in heaven."