A Pentecost Memory — NEW! Added September 6, 2024 — This booklet is a record of the experience of a priest’s wife during the Pentecost Kneeling Vespers served in Holy Apostles Orthodox Church in Beltsville, Maryland, on June 23, 2024. ($5 in our Lulu Store)
“Through the eyes of my heart, I saw a stream of the departed, people whom I knew throughout my life. I saw so many, many people. The Lord brought them close to my heart, as close as He is. The stream became a river. From my lost babies, to my grandfather who committed suicide, to an untold number of departed relatives, brothers and sisters in Christ, I saw a great crowd. The border between Heaven and earth dissolved as the Lord brought me to this place.”
Servants of Beauty: The Precious and Sacred Role of Church Musicians
We All Have a Price to Pay
Orthodox Christian Education and Mission
Archived Homilies of Father George
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Holy Cross Hermitage, in West Virginia, our local monastery.
Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, by Fr. Michael Pomazansky
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From 'St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Zealous Builder of Churches'
Everywhere he went he either oversaw the building of churches or supported the same with his attention and prayers... He wrote about the godly work of building churches:
"In building churches here on earth, we create for ourselves eternal habitations in heaven."