Category: News and Announcements
36 results found.
Announcements - 05/15/10

Remember to pray for…

Betty Chisholm (and her husband, Don) as they struggle with the infirmities of age.

An opportunity to help a fellow parishioner

Betty Chisholm would very much like to come to church, but needs a special Medical-Transport van to do so.  If you would like to donate the price of one (1) trip ($103.00), please speak with Matushka Deborah Johnson.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction….

Our parishioner, Olga Prisekin, has lost a lot of her eyesight and her hearing.  She would be grateful for help with grocery shopping, if anyone can donate the time to take her to one of her favorite stores, either MOM’s or Trader Joe’s.  If you would like to help Mrs. Prisekin by driving her to the store, the best way to let her know would be to tell her at church.  It’s easier to communicate with her by writing things down on paper; phone calls are difficult.

Books for Spiritual Growth and (great for gifts too!)

In our bookstore we have these items, all highly recommended (they wouldn’t be there otherwise).  They should be a part of every Orthodox Christian’s library.

Father Seraphim Rose, His Life and Works by Abbot Damascene

Confession, the Holy Mystery of Repentance by Father John Townsend

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Father Michael Pamazansky

We have other books for sale and please also take advantage of our library.

Purchase of Books, Candles, Prosphora and Other Items

Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item name, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand.  Also indicate your purchase on the “for” or memo line of a check, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash and leave your check or cash in the wicker basket.  By so doing, you will make possible a correct accounting by our treasurer.

Our Choir

Our choir, as you can hear, is very effective, but small, and new members are always welcome.  If you can sing and would like to participate, please speak with our choir director, Reader Christopher Johnson.  Rehearsals are normally held on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 (see the schedule), and attendance at them is required (which is directly related to the choir’s effectiveness).

Our Sunday School

We have these Sunday School classes available:

1)     3 to 6 years old, taught by Dorothy Johnson and assisted by Matushka Anastasia Dantinne

2)     From 7 to 9 years old, taught by Clare Mendis

3)     From 10 to 12 years old, taught by Peter Gardner

4)     From 13 to 15 years old, taught by Mariya Petrenko

5)     From 16 to 18 years old, taught by Reader Christopher Johnson

6)     Adults, taught by Father George

God-willing, Bishop Jerome will be coming to be with us for our parish feast weekend, which will be July 17th and 18th this year.

Welcome to our visitors from the Diocese and the Choir Conference.

announcements 02/07/2010 - 02/03/10

Remember to pray for…

Betty Chisholm (and her husband, Don) as they struggle with the infirmities of age

An Opportunity to Help a Fellow-Parishioner

Betty Chisholm would very much like to come to church, but needs a special Medical-Transport van to do so.  If you would like to donate the price of one (1) trip ($103.00), please speak with Matushka Deborah Johnson.

Books for Spiritual Growth and (great for gifts too!)

In our bookstore we have these items, all highly recommended (they wouldn’t be there otherwise).  They should be a part of every Orthodox Christian’s library.

Father Seraphim Rose, His Life and Works by Abbot Damascene

Confession, the Holy Mystery of Repentance by Father John Townsend

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Father Michael Pamazansky

We have other books for sale and please also take advantage of our library.

Purchase of Books, Candles, Prosphora and Other Items

Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item name, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand.  Also indicate your purchase on the “for” or memo line of a check, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash and leave your check or cash in the wicker basket.  By so doing, you will make possible a correct accounting by our treasurer.

Our Choir

Our choir, as you can hear, is very effective, but small, and new members are always welcome.  If you can sing and would like to participate, please speak with our choir director, Reader Christopher Johnson.  Rehearsals are normally held on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 (see the schedule), and attendance at them is required (which is directly related to the choir’s effectiveness).

Our Sunday School

We have these Sunday School classes available:

1)      3 to 6 years old, taught by Dorothy Johnson and assisted by Matushka Anastasia Dantinne

2)    From 7 to 9 years old, taught by Claire Mendis

3)     From 10 to 12 years old, taught by Peter Gardner

4)    From 13 to 15 years old, taught by Mariya Petrenko

5)     From 16 to 18 years old, taught by Reader Christopher

6)    Adults, taught by Father George


A warm welcome is due to Nathan Hicks, who was anointed with holy chrism on Sunday, 1/31.  As God allows, he will have his first communion on our first non-snow-impeded Divine Liturgy.

announcements 12/06/2009 - 12/06/09

Monday night 7 PM – Matthew Gallatin, noted Orthodox speaker, will give a talk at the parish on “Marriage, a path to salvation” – Not for married people only!  Please come and invite someone to hear an Orthodox view of the place of this foundation stone of human society.

Thursdays from now until Christmas – every choir rehearsal is vital to prepare for Nativity – If you would be a part of this, please speak with our choir director, Reader Christopher Johnson.

The Kursk Root Icon of the Sign of the Mother of God will visit our parish on the Sunday night 12/27 at 7 PM – Please plan to attend to ask for the prayers of the Mother of God before this great and holy object and to hear a presentation on the wondrous recent visit of the icon to Russia for the first time in 90 years, since the Russian revolution.

Please see Matushka Deborah or her sisterhood designee about the preparations for the Nativity festal meal on January 7th at the rectory.

The parish council meeting will be here at 7 PM on Monday the 14th.

This Wednesday’s 7 PM prayer service will be before the icon of the Mother of God, the Softener of Evil Hearts – Those present will be anointed with oil from the miraculous original of this icon that visited us recently.






Announcements for May 2009 - 05/01/09

 News about the “Beautiful Church on the Hill”
As of this writing, a thorough evaluation of the state of the chapel has been conducted. We have an estimated price tag to bring the property into suitability and usability. As has been the case from the beginning of this effort, shortly after Bishop Gabriel’s visit at our last parish feast, now more than ever, we all need to become more prayerful and devoted, individually and as a community. We need also to devote such funds as we can to this. Now is the time to remember the loaves and fishes. Now is the time to remember that the Lord’s wondrous act really fed the people. So, we his people of today, have to give our own loaves and fishes. God has brought us to this place. He has been with us and continues to be. Let us be with Him. See below about the building fund.

Visiting the Sick and Shut-ins
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, and is not able to easily get to Church. Please keep her in your prayers. Please call her when you can. She would also appreciate a visit.

Paschal Joy Bestowed
This wondrous season we are reminded is the season of weddings. We have two (and, God willing, a third a little later)! God willing, Marc and Ginny (catechumen Elisabeth) and our Christopher and Dorothy will be married by the end of the month. Pray for them and with them as they start on this joyful path of life.

Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in the accounting.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund. We hope and pray, that soon with God’s help, we will be able to begin to re-beautify and fix that which is wanting in the St. Joseph’s chapel and re-dedicate it to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. Eventually we hope to also build a parish hall and a larger new temple on the same grounds. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. We also ask that contributions targeted for the building fund be made, over and above our regular pledging, indicating so on the memo line of a check, or through a note attached to other means of giving. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

Announcements for March 2009 - 03/01/09

News about the “Beautiful Church on the Hill”
The process is going very well. When the agreement with the Christian Brothers for conveyance is completed, we will go ahead with a professional evaluation of the work to be done. See below about the building fund.

Visiting the Sick and Shut-ins
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, and is not able to easily get to Church. Please keep her in your prayers. Please call her when you can. She would also appreciate a visit.

Gratefulness for a Gift
Last summer, the parish gave us (Father George and Matushka Deborah) a gift certificate for the French restaurant, “La Ferme.” At long last, we took advantage of this on Friday in the week of the Publican and Pharisee. The atmosphere and the food were wonderful (most especially the Onion Soup) and well worth the certificate. Many thanks again, dear people, for your thoughtfulness in giving us a very nice evening out.

Prayers needed
Father George is having an operation for a cataract in his right eye on Monday, March 16th. Please keep him in your prayers for a quick recovery.

Diocesan Conference 3/16/-3/18 in Jackson, New Jersey
The medical procedure Father George will undergo prevents him from attendance at the conference in New Jersey. The parish is to be represented by Father Deacon Damian Dantinne and Mark Strumpf. Keep these men on your prayers.

Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in the accounting.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund. We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will be able to restore and make useful the St. Joseph’s chapel and re-dedicate it to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. Eventually we hope to also build a parish hall and a larger new temple on the same grounds. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. We also ask that contributions targeted for the building fund be made, over and above our regular pledging, indicating so on the memo line of a check, or through a note attached to other means of giving. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

Announcements for December 2008 - 12/01/08

News about the Potential New Church Property
Weekly bulletins will be provided

The Akathist Hymn Honoring our Heavenly Patrons
Reader Isaac Lambertsen has composed an akathist in honor of our patron Saints “Paul and the assembly of the twelve” (from our festal Kontakion). Our regular Wednesday moleben (prayer service) will be alternatively dedicated to the Holy Apostles and the Mother of God. For both these intentions, please join us to help intensify our prayer together, to further bind us as a family and as a body of “prayer warriors.” In these services, as in our daily prayers, we should remember Isaac especially now when he is undergoing extensive procedures to benefit and preserve his sight.

The Visit of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God
Father George will retrieve the icon from Father Victor Potapov’s house on the morning of the 15th, Monday. From that time until the evening vigil in honor of the Mother of God’s icon, we hope to visit our shut-in population and, if not doing that, to have the icon at the church and pray frequently before it. After Tuesday’s Liturgy, Father George will convey the icon to Holy Transfiguration parish in Baltimore for an Akathist Tuesday evening. On Wednesday, the icon will be back at Holy Apostles from 10 until 5, when Father George will return the icon to St. John the Baptist.

Visiting the Sick and Shut-ins
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, and is not able to easily get to Church. Please keep her in your prayers. Please call her when you can. She would also appreciate a visit.

Parish Groups and Activities
Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities. Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information.
Choir – Take this opportunity to be the “voice of the Church” – Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 – Please contact the director, Reader Christopher Johnson, to find out more.
Sunday School and other catechesis - There are three classes for children and young people. Adult catachesis will be taught by Father George. Adult catechesis is regularly available after the regular Wednesday evening Moleben. This will be tailored to the needs of those in attendance.
Sunday Luncheon Signup – Every Sunday after Divine Liturgy, we sit down together for a communal meal. This is a traditional and vital part of our community’s life and everyone regularly participating should take a turn to prepare the meal for us all. Please speak to Matushka Anastasia for further details.
Cleaning the church - If you would like to help with church cleaning, please speak to Matushka Anastasia. Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.
St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults Group - Please contact reader Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians from the greater DC metropolitan area, ages approximately 18-35.

Sunday School Development Program – Matushka Deborah, Matushka Anastasia and Dorothy Dillon are attending a course based on the philosophy of Sofia Cavalleti contained in her book “The Religious Potential of the Child.” Work has already been done elsewhere that demonstrates the adaptability of her work to Orthodox catachesis. The course sessions will be for ten months, one Saturday per month, starting Saturday the 20th of September. Please make a donation to support this effort (indicating so with a note accompanying cash, or on a check’s memo line). Please also keep the Matushkas and Dorothy in your prayers for this effort.

We take very seriously the apostolic admonitions regarding preparation for receiving Holy Communion, or the Holy Mysteries. This is manifested in the tradition of making a confession at Church the evening before we intend to receive the Holy Mysteries as part of that preparation. This practice coincides with another part of our preparation: attendance at the All-Night Vigil. If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15. Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers. We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.

Dressing for Church
While it is important to feel at home in one’s parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God. In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed. No one who is not a small child should wear shorts. Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts. Shirts and blouses should cover the shoulders. Any clothing that is revealing or on the borderline of modesty is not appropriate. Slogans should not appear on apparel. A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.
Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in the accounting.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles
A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish. Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.” By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence. At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs. If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution. We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything. While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and frequent hostility to the Christian Faith.
We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life. A good foundation for stewardship is the tithe - 10% of our income. Some of us are doing this already. Those who tithe can testify that God takes care of such benefactors. First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service. Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors. To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Damian Dantinne.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund. We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will be able to restore and make useful the St. Joseph’s chapel and re-dedicate it to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. Eventually we hope to also build a parish hall and a larger new temple on the same grounds. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. We also ask that contributions targeted for the building fund be made, over and above our regular pledging, indicating so on the memo line of a check, or through a note attached to other means of giving. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

A Flyer to Invite Visitors
We have a flyer available for you to hand out or post on bulletin boards, regarding our newly remodeled church. One is included in this monthly bulletin, and more are available at the candlestand. Please invite a friend to come visit our church. We want to fill our new space!

Announcements for October 2008 - 10/01/08

News about the Potential New Church Property
Our patience is being rewarded. We have received news that indicates a positive reception by the Christian Brothers to our request. We are in communication with them and, God willing, will be able to meet with them and others and gain access to St. Joseph’s chapel for a complete evaluation of the needs and form estimates of what it will take to make the property ready for us. Please pray! Now would be a good time to begin to attend our Wednesday evening moleben to the Holy Apostles as part of your increased prayer effort.

The New Hymn Honoring our Heavenly Patrons
Since we now have a hymn that honors “Paul and the assembly of the twelve” (from our festal Kontakion), and because things are happening that suggest the need, our Wednesday moleben (prayer service) will be dedicated to the Holy Apostles for a time. Please join us to help intensify our prayer together, to further bind us as a family and as a body of “prayer warriors” so that the realization of God’s potential for us can be brought to pass with our willing participation. There are no simple coincidences. There is much for which we should thank God concerning our brother, Reader Isaac, the composer of this hymn. Without his gifts, our worship in our own language would be impossible. For this reason and because of his willingness to share his gifts with our parish, we can and should all remember Reader Isaac in our daily prayers.

Father John Townsend to Visit Us
Father John has been completely supportive of our parish from the beginning. He is a priest of great experience and dedication and, even in the midst of his very busy life as Rector of St. Mary of Egypt parish in Atlanta, Georgia, from time to time he has made the time to be with us and encourage us. His visit will extend from the evening of Friday, 10/17, through the morning of Monday, 10/20. God willing, he will be part with us for our visit to the chapel property. Let’s all make a point to be in attendance this weekend to meet him and hear his words.

Visiting the Sick and Shut-ins
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, and is not able to easily get to Church. Please keep her in your prayers. Please call her when you can. She would also appreciate a visit.

Parish Groups and Activities
Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities. Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information.
Choir – Take this opportunity to be the “voice of the Church” – Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 – Please contact the director, Reader Christopher Johnson, to find out more.
Sunday School and other catechesis - There are three classes for children and young people. Adult catachesis will be taught by Father George. Adult catechesis is regularly available after the regular Wednesday evening Moleben. This will be tailored to the needs of those in attendance.
Sunday Luncheon Signup – Every Sunday after Divine Liturgy, we sit down together for a communal meal. This is a traditional and vital part of our community’s life and everyone regularly participating should take a turn to prepare the meal for us all. Please speak to Matushka Anastasia for further details.
Cleaning the church - If you would like to help with church cleaning, please speak to Matushka Anastasia. Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.

St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults Group - Please contact reader Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians from the greater DC metropolitan area, ages approximately 18-35.
Special Prayers for St. Joseph’s Young Adults
Our young people are in the process of establishing an OCF chapter at the University of Maryland College Park campus. OCF stands for Orthodox Christian Fellowship, a nation-wide student-supporting organization that envelops all Orthodox jurisdictions. It is designed to provide opportunity for Orthodox young people to gather on campus for prayer, Bible study and other activities that will help them to enhance and maintain their own Faith as well as provide a witness to others. Our young people are inspired to make this effort by the example of the UMBC OCF chapter at Catonsville, some of whose members are part of SJYA. They need our prayers for a speedy and positive outcome to their efforts.

Sunday School Development Program – Matushka Deborah, Matushka Anastasia and Dorothy Dillon are attending a course based on the philosophy of Sofia Cavalleti contained in her book “The Religious Potential of the Child.” Work has already been done elsewhere that demonstrates the adaptability of her work to Orthodox catachesis. The course sessions will be for ten months, one Saturday per month, starting Saturday the 20th of September. Please make a donation to support this effort (indicating so with a note accompanying cash, or on a check’s memo line). Please also keep the Matushkas and Dorothy in your prayers for this effort.

We take very seriously the apostolic admonitions regarding preparation for receiving Holy Communion, or the Holy Mysteries. This is manifested in the tradition of making a confession at Church the evening before we intend to receive the Holy Mysteries as part of that preparation. This practice coincides with another part of our preparation: attendance at the All-Night Vigil. If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15. Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers. We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.

Dressing for Church
While it is important to feel at home in one’s parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God. In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed. No one who is not a small child should wear shorts. Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts. Shirts and blouses should cover the shoulders. Any clothing that is revealing or on the borderline of modesty is not appropriate. Slogans should not appear on apparel. A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.

Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in the accounting.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles
A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish. Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.” By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence. At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs.

If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution. We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything. While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and frequent hostility to the Christian Faith.

We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life.

A good foundation for stewardship is the tithe - 10% of our income. Some of us are doing this already. Those who tithe can testify that God takes care of such benefactors. First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service. Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors. To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Damian Dantinne.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund. We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will build a beautiful church dedicated to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. We also ask that contributions targeted for the building fund be made, over and above our regular pledging, indicating so on the memo line of a check, or through a note attached to other means of giving. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

A Flyer to Invite Visitors
We have a flyer available for you to hand out or post on bulletin boards, regarding our newly remodeled church. One is included in this monthly bulletin, and more are available at the candlestand. Please invite a friend to come visit our church. We want to fill our new space!

Announcements for September 2008 - 09/01/08

The New Hymn Honoring our Heavenly Patrons
Since we now have a hymn that honors “Paul and the assembly of the twelve” (from our patronal Kontakion), and because things are happening that suggest the need, our Wednesday moleben (prayer service) will be dedicated to the Holy Apostles for a time. Please join us to help intensify our prayer together, to further bind us as a family and as a body of “prayer warriors” so that the realization of God’s potential for us can be brought to pass with our willing participation. There are no simple coincidences. There is much for which we should thank God concerning our brother, Reader Isaac, the composer of this hymn. Without his gifts, our worship in our own language would be impossible. For this reason and because of his willingness to share his gifts with our parish, we can and should all remember Reader Isaac in our daily prayers.

Metropolitan Hilarion to Visit Us – Metropolitan Hilarion has been very encouraging to us on our mission path from its inception until now. We have kept him informed of our progress with the potential new location. He will be brought to the St. Joseph’s Chapel property at 9:15 on Monday morning, the 15th; then he will be brought back to the parish for a brief moleben to the Holy Apostles followed by serving of refreshments and further discussion. If you are at all able, please join us at the “church on the hill” and at the parish for this opportunity to be with the Metropolitan.

Visiting the Sick and Shut-ins
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, and is not able to easily get to Church. Please keep her in your prayers. Please call her when you can. She would also appreciate a visit.

Parish Groups and Activities
Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities. Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information.
Choir – Take this opportunity to be the “voice of the Church” – Rehearsals are (generally) on Thursday evenings at 7 – Please contact the director, Reader Christopher Johnson, to find out more
Sunday School and other catechesis - There are three classes for children and young people. Adult catachesis will be taught by Father George. Adult catechesis is regularly available after the regular Wednesday evening Moleben. This will be tailored to the needs of those in attendance.
Sunday Luncheon Signup – Every Sunday after Divine Liturgy, we sit down together for a communal meal. This is very important to the life of our community and everyone regularly participating should take a turn to prepare the meal for us all. Please speak to Matushka Anastasia for further details.
Cleaning the church - If you would like to help with church cleaning, please speak to Matushka Anastasia. Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.
Flower volunteer needed - would you like to help with beautifying the church with flowers? Please let Matushka Deborah know if you are interested.
St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults Group - Please contact reader Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians from the greater DC metropolitan area, ages approximately 18-35.

Sunday School Development Program – Matushka Deborah, Matushka Anastasia and Dorothy Dillon will be attending a course based on the philosophy of Sofia Cavalleti contained in her book “The Religious Potential of the Child.” Work has already been done elsewhere that demonstrates the adaptability of her work to Orthodox catachesis. The course sessions will be for ten months, one Saturday per month, starting Saturday the 20th of September. Please make a donation to support this effort (indicating so with a note accompanying cash, or on a check’s memo line). Please also keep the Matushkas and Dorothy in your prayers for this effort.

We take very seriously the apostolic admonitions regarding preparation for receiving Holy Communion, or the Holy Mysteries. This is manifested in the tradition of making a confession at Church the evening before we intend to receive the Holy Mysteries as part of that preparation. This practice coincides with another part of our preparation: attendance at the All-Night Vigil. If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15. Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers. We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.

Dressing for Church
While it is important to feel at home in one’s parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God. In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed. No one who is not a small child should wear shorts. Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts. Shirts and blouses should cover the shoulders. Any clothing that is revealing or on the borderline of modesty is not appropriate. Slogans should not appear on apparel. A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.
Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in the accounting.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles
A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish. Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.” By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence. At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs. If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution. We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything. While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and frequent hostility to the Christian Faith.
We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life. A good foundation for stewardship is the tithe - 10% of our income. Some of us are doing this already. Those who so give can testify that God takes care of such benefactors. First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service. Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors. To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Damian Dantinne.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund. We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will build a beautiful church dedicated to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

A Flyer to Invite Visitors
We have a flyer available for you to hand out or post on bulletin boards, regarding our newly remodeled church. One is included in this monthly bulletin, and more are available at the candlestand. Please invite a friend to come visit our church. We want to fill our new space!

Announcements for August 2008 - 08/01/08

The New Hymn Honoring our Heavenly Patrons
Since we now have a hymn that honors “Paul and the assemble of the twelve” (from our patronal Kontakion), and because things are happening that suggest the need, our Wednesday moleben (prayer service) will be dedicated to Holy Apostles for a time. Please join us to help intensify our prayer together, to further bind us as a family and as a body of “prayer warriors” so that the realization of God’s potential for us can be brought to pass with our willing participation. There are no simple coincidences. There is much for which we should thank God concerning our brother, Reader Isaac, the composer of this hymn. Without his gifts, our worship in our own language would be impossible. For this reason and because of his willingness to share his gifts with our parish, we can and should all remember Reader Isaac in our daily prayers. Also, if anyone would like to make an additional donation to send to Reader Isaac for the composition of the Akathist, please speak to our Treasurer, Father Deacon Damian. Reader Isaac gave half of the $600.00 which we collected to his brother, who was in need.

Visiting the Sick
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, continues her recovery and is not able to easily get to Church. However, she has been able to resume life with Don in their apartment. Please keep her in your prayers. Please call her when you can. She might also appreciate a visit.

Parish Groups and Activities
Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities. Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information.
Choir – Christopher Johnson, Director
Sunday School and other catechesis - There are three classes for children and young people. Adult catachesis will be taught by Father George. Adult catechesis is regularly available after the regular Wednesday evening Moleben. This will be tailored to the needs of those in attendance.
Cleaning the church - If you would like to help with church cleaning, please speak to Anastasia Dantinne. Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.
Flower volunteer needed - would you like to help with beautifying the church with flowers? Please let Matushka Deborah know if you are interested.

St. Joseph the All-Comely Young Adults Group
Please contact reader Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians from the greater DC metropolitan area, approximately ages 18-35.

We take very seriously the apostolic admonitions regarding preparation for receiving Holy Communion, or the Holy Mysteries. This is manifested in the tradition of making a confession at Church the evening before we intend to receive the Holy Mysteries as part of that preparation. This practice coincides with another part of our preparation: attendance at the All-Night Vigil. If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15. Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers. We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.

Dressing for Church
While it is important to feel at home in one’s parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God. In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed. No one who is not a small child should wear shorts. Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts. Shirts and blouses should cover the shoulders. Any clothing that is revealing or on the borderline of modesty is not appropriate. Slogans should not appear on apparel. A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.

Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in his accounting.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles
A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish. Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.” By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence. At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs.

If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution. We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything. While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and hostility.

We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life.

A good foundation for stewardship is the tithe - 10% of our income. Some of us are doing this already. Those who so give can testify that God takes care of such benefactors. First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service. Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors. To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Damian Dantinne.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund. We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will build a beautiful church dedicated to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

A Flyer to Invite Visitors
We have a flyer available for you to hand out or post on bulletin boards, regarding our newly remodeled church. One is included in this monthly bulletin, and more are available at the candlestand. Please invite a friend to come visit our church. We want to fill our new space!

Announcements for June 2008 - 06/01/08

Visiting the Sick
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, continues her recovery and is not able to easily get to Church. However, she has been able to resume life with Don in their apartment. Please keep her in your prayers. Please call her when you can. She might also appreciate a visit.

Parish Groups and Activities
Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities. Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information.
Choir – Christopher Johnson, Director
Sunday School and other catechesis - There are three classes for children and young people. Adult catechesis will be taught by Father George
Cleaning the church - If you would like to help with church cleaning, please speak to Anastasia Dantinne. Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.
Flower volunteer needed - would you like to help with beautifying the church with flowers? Please let Matushka Deborah know if you are interested.
St. Joseph the All-Comely Young Adults Group - Please contact Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians from the greater DC metropolitan area, approximately ages 18-35.

We take very seriously the apostolic admonitions regarding preparation for receiving Holy Communion, or the Holy Mysteries. This is manifested in the tradition of making a confession at Church the evening before we intend to receive the Holy Mysteries as part of that preparation. This practice coincides with another part of our preparation: attendance at the All-Night Vigil. If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15. Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers. We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.

Dressing for Church
While it is important to feel at home in one’s parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God. In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed. No one who is not a small child should wear shorts. Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts. Shirts and blouses should cover the shoulders. Any clothing that is revealing or on the borderline of modesty is not appropriate. Slogans should not appear on apparel. A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.

Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in his accounting.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles
A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish. Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.” By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence. At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs. If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution. We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything. While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and hostility. We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life. A good foundation for stewardship is the tithe - 10% of our income. Some of us are doing this already. Those who so give can testify that God takes care of such benefactors. First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service. Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors. To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Damian Dantinne.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund. We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will build a beautiful church dedicated to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

Our Newly Remodeled Church
Please make a sacrificial donation to help cover the cost of the remodeling. As it became clear that we would not be able to purchase property for a church at the present time, we decided to beautify our church instead, by doing this extensive remodeling. We had pledges towards a purchase; we now hope that those of you who had pledged or intended to pledge towards purchasing a church, will make the same or a similar generous donation towards this remodeling project. By doing this remodeling, we are purchasing our church, we are building our church, spiritually. The donations that you make towards this are the seed money, which will plant the seeds towards the eventual purchase of land and building of our church. I ask each of you to give sacrificially towards this end. The basic remodeling cost was $12,000.00. The assorted improvements add up to an additional $5,000.00. If anyone would like to cover all or part of either or both of these costs, please speak to our Treasurer.

Looking Forward to the Bishop’s Visit
In the first meeting of our Synod of Bishops, it was decided that Bishop Gabriel should take up a full-time assignment as Bishop of Canada. We congratulate him for this more focused responsibility. I spoke with the Metropolitan and he said that Vladyka Gabriel would remain in New York through the end of 2008. This means that he will be able to fulfill his commitment to us to visit on our parish feast in July and see to the tonsuring of Christopher Johnson and John Swenson as Readers and ordaining Damian Dantinne to the Diaconate. Let us keep these men in our prayers as they prepare for their new responsibilities.

A Flyer to Invite Visitors
We have a flyer available for you to hand out or post on bulletin boards, regarding our newly remodeled church. One is included in this monthly bulletin, and more are available at the candlestand. Please invite a friend to come visit our church. We want to fill our new space!

Announcements for April 2008 - 04/01/08

Visiting the Sick
Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, continues her recovery and is not able to easily get to Church.  However, she has been able to resume life with Don in their apartment.   Please keep her in your prayers.  Please call her when you can.  She might also appreciate a visit

Parish Groups and Activities
Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities.  Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information.
Choir – Christopher Johnson, Director
Sunday School and other catechesis  - There are three classes for children and young people.  Adult catachesis will be taught by Father George
Cleaning the church - If you would like to help with church cleaning, please speak to Raissa Motiani.  Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.
Flower volunteer needed - would you like to help with beautifying the church with flowers?  Please let Matushka Deborah know if you are interested.
St. Joseph the All-Comely Young Adults Group - Please contact Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians from the greater DC metropolitan area, approximately ages 18-35.

It is right and good that we should want to receive Holy Communion and prepare for it through repentance and confession.  The best time for this is on Saturday evening, not only because there is plenty of time, but because attendance at Saturday evening Vigil is a traditional part of preparation.  If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15.  Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers.  We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.

Dressing for Church
While it is important to feel at home in our parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God.  In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed.  No one who is not a small child should wear shorts.  Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts.  In shirts and blouses, shoulders should be covered.  Any revealing and borderline-modest clothing is not appropriate.  Slogans should not appear on apparel.  A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.

Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items
Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand.  Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for.  By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in his accounting.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles
A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish.  Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.”  By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence.  At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs.

If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution.  We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything.  While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and hostility.

We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life.

A good foundation for stewardship is the tithe - 10% of our income.  Some of us are doing this already.  Those who so give can testify that God takes care of such benefactors.  First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service.  Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors.  To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Damian Dantinne.

Our Building Fund
We have a building fund.  We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will build a beautiful church dedicated to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God.  To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers.  According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of a new church.

Our Newly Remodeled Church
Please make a sacrificial donation to help cover the cost of the remodeling.  As it became clear that we would not be able to purchase property for a church at the present time, we decided to beautify our church instead, by doing this extensive remodeling.  We had pledges towards a purchase; we now hope that those of you who had pledged or intended to pledge towards purchasing a church, will make the same or a similar generous donation towards this remodeling project.  By doing this remodeling, we are purchasing our church, we are building our church, spiritually.  The donations which you make towards this are the seed money, which will plant the seeds towards the eventual purchase of land and building of our church.  I ask each of you to give sacrificially towards this end.  The basic remodeling cost was $12,000.00.  The assorted improvements add up to an additional $5,000.00.  If anyone would like to cover all or part of either or both of these costs, please speak to our Treasurer.

A Flyer to Invite Visitors
We have a flyer available for you to hand out or post on bulletin boards, regarding our newly remodeled church.  One is included in this monthly bulletin, and more are available at the candlestand.  Please invite a friend to come visit our church.  We want to fill our new space!

Announcements for August 2007 - 08/01/07

Prayers for the Sick

Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, continues her recovery.  She was recently able to stand and put weight on her right leg.  We remember that for a time, until she received the Mystery of Holy Unction, she was in danger of losing the leg.  Please keep her in your prayers.  She and Don live at Riderwood Village.  Betty is currently staying in the Renaissance Gardens nursing home of Riderwood.  She would like to have visitors.  You can call her at 301-572-6797.

Continue to remember in prayer Andrew, father of Elizabeth and father-in-law of Edmund Sweet.  His recovery from his heart operation is positively progressing.  Also, continue to remember in prayer Dyonisia Ryan who has been battling cancer.  We received a note from her that her latest reports have been very good.  Father George heard her confession, administered Holy Unction and gave her Holy Communion before she started chemotherapy.  A Missionary Visitor – Archbishop Hilarion of Australia and New Zealand recently accepted under his mantle Indonesian converts to Orthodoxy.  Archimandrite Father Daniel Byantoro, who can be viewed as an apostle to Indonesia, continues to be with us to lead us in a study of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians and inspire us in our own mission work at Holy Apostles.  We look forward to continuing to help him as we can.   When we gather for his talks, let us respond to his great missionary work with generosity.  If anyone knows of a church that would like to host Fr. Daniel to speak, please let him or Fr. George know.
 Parish Groups and Activities – Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities.  Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information.  Choir – Christopher Johnson, Director Sunday School and other catechesis – Father George Wednesday evening class – Father George St. Joseph the All-Comely Young Adults – Christopher Johnson – see below

Fasting – Wednesdays and Fridays are to be observed as fast days by Orthodox Christians in commemoration of our Lord’s suffering and death.  A wall calendar with fasting indications can be gotten at the back of the church for $3.  Here is a brief indication of the meaning of the colors and symbols in the calendar.

Days shaded in pink with no other symbol indicate a vegan diet (no animal products permitted except shell fish) and no use of wine (any alcohol) as a beverage or in cooking, and no use of olive oil in cooking or as dressing.

Days shaded in pink with a grape cluster are the same as above regarding animal products, but the use of wine and olive oil is permitted.

Days shaded in pink with a fish are as above, except consumption of vertebrate fish is permitted, along with wine and olive oil.

This month, one of the four extended fasting periods is kept, that is, the two weeks prior to the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God, starting on 8/14 with the commemoration of the Precious Cross and the Holy Maccabees.
 Confession – It is right and good that we should want to receive Holy Communion and prepare for it through repentance and confession.  The best time for this is on Saturday evening, not only because there is plenty of time, but because attendance at Saturday evening Vigil is a traditional part of preparation.  If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15.  Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers.  We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.  Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items – Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand.  Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for.  By so doing, you will be helping our Treasurer immensely in his accounting.  Volunteer needed to run the Candlestand.  See above….  Please speak to Fr. George if you would like to help out with the candlestand.

Cleaning the church – We are trying a new method of asking folks to help clean every Sunday after the Liturgy.  Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.

Flower volunteer needed – would you like to help with beautifying the church with flowers?  Please let Fr. George know if you are interested.

St. Joseph the All-Comely Young Adults Group – Please contact Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians, approximately ages 18-35.  The group meets during the agape meal on the last Sunday of each month, and plans other scheduled activities periodically.   Recently they sponsored Fr. Daniel Byantoro’s talk, The Great Mandate of Evangelism, and the Holy Trinity.

Announcements for July 2007 - 07/01/07

Prayers for the Sick and the Traveling

Our sister, Elisabeth Chisholm, continues her recovery. Please keep her in your prayers. God willing, we plan to bring her to church once a month via medical transport. She and Don live at Riderwood Village. Betty is currently staying in the Renaissance Gardens nursing home of Riderwood. She would like to have visitors. You can call her at 301-572-6797.

Continue to remember in prayer Andrew, father of Elizabeth and father-in-law of Edmund Sweet. His recovery from his heart operation is positively progressing. Also, continue to remember in prayer Dyonisia Ryan who has been battling cancer. We received a note from her that her latest reports have been very good. Father George heard her confession, administered Holy Unction and gave her Holy Communion before she started chemotherapy.

John Swenson has been traveling in Spain and Russia and we anticipate his return on the 10th right before the parish feast. Welcome home, John!

A Missionary Visitor – Archbishop Hilarion of Australia and New Zealand recently accepted under his mantle Indonesian converts to Orthodoxy. Archimandrite Father Daniel Byantoro, who can be viewed as an apostle to Indonesia, has been with us several times to tell his story and inspire us in our own work at Holy Apostles. So far, we have scheduled two Monday evenings when he will lead us in a study of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians. He will also give a repeat of his talk that he gave at the rectory in June, The Great Mandate of Evangelism and the Holy Trinity. We look forward to continuing to help him as we can. Let us all respond to this great missionary work of his with generosity. We have also been able to help him to schedule a weekend in Atlanta at St. Mary of Egypt parish. If anyone knows of a church that would like to host Fr. Daniel to speak, please let him or Fr. George know.

Parish Groups and Activities – Holy Apostles welcomes participants in a number of groups and activities. Please see the leader or coordinator listed for more information. Choir – Christopher Johnson, Director Sunday School and other catechesis – Father George Wednesday evening class – Father George St. Joseph the All-Comely Young Adults – Christopher Johnson

In our BookstoreHow to Life a Holy Life, by Metropolitan Gregory of St. Petersburg (1784 – 1860). Here is a sample from this wonderful book. It is the first of 6 instructions on How to Conduct Ourselves when People Praise Us:

“When people praise you, be very circumspect, because then you are in a dangerous situation. Many people do not know the true value of things and of actions, and therefore they value and praise things that in the sight of the Lord God and of sensible people are worth nothing. And because praise is pleasing to our self-esteem and vainglory, and self-esteem and vainglory are gullible, we eagerly accept another’s false praise as true praise, put a halt to seeking perfection, become more imperfect, die unreformed, and perish. Therefore, consider as impartially as possible whether what others praise in you deserves praise from the Lord and from prudent people, because only that which is worthy of praise from the Lord God and from people devoted to Him should be important for us. What does praise from people matter, when we are unworthy of praise from the Lord God?”

Bishop’s Visit Delayed – Unfortunately, Bishop Gabriel of Manhattan, who planned to visit and serve with us the weekend of July 28th and 29th had to cancel. As can be seen from the ROCOR website, his good offices are required in South America. He hopes to be able to come sometime this fall.

Fasting – Wednesdays and Fridays are to be observed as fast days by Orthodox Christians in commemoration of our Lord’s suffering and death. A wall calendar with fasting indications can be gotten at the back of the church for $3. Here is a brief indication of the meaning of the colors and symbols in the calendar.

Days shaded in pink with no other symbol indicate a vegan diet (no animal products permitted except shell fish) and no use of wine (any alcohol) as a beverage or in cooking, and no use of olive oil in cooking or as dressing.

Days shaded in pink with a grape cluster are the same as above regarding animal products, but the use of wine and olive oil is permitted.

Days shaded in pink with a fish are as above, except consumption of vertebrate fish is permitted, along with wine and olive oil. On all other days, we abstain from vertebrate fish, wine and olive oil.

Confession – It is right and good that we should want to receive Holy Communion and prepare for it through repentance and confession. The best time for this is on Saturday evening, not only because there is plenty of time, but because attendance at Saturday evening Vigil is a traditional part of preparation. If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:15. Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers. We should do our best to preserve the traditions of our Church and to be considerate of others by not causing a delay in the beginning of Divine Liturgy.

Purchase of Candles, Prosphora and Other Items – Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand. Also indicate on the check memo line, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash, what a donation is for. You will be helping our Treasurer immensely in his accounting.

Volunteer needed to run the Candlestand. See above…. Please speak to Fr. George if you would like to help out with the candlestand.

Cleaning the church – We are trying a new method of asking folks to help clean every Sunday after the Liturgy. Please volunteer to help out with cleaning the church.

Flower volunteer needed – would you like to help with beautifying the church with flowers? Please let Fr. George know if you are interested.

St. Joseph the All-Comely Young Adults Group – Please contact Christopher Johnson if you would like to find out more about this group which was founded for young adult Orthodox Christians, approximately ages 18-35. The group meets during the agape meal on the last Sunday of each month, and plans other scheduled activities periodically. Recently they sponsored Fr. Daniel Byantoro’s talk, The Great Mandate of Evangelism, and the Holy Trinity.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles – A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish. Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.” By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence. At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs. If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution. We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything. While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and hostility. We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life. As has been repeatedly pointed out, a good foundation for giving is 10% of income. Some of us are doing this already. Those who so give can testify that God takes care of such benefactors. First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service. Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors. To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Damian Dantinne.

Our Building Fund – we have a building fund. We hope and pray, that one day with God’s help, we will build a beautiful church dedicated to our patron saints, the Holy Apostles, to the glory of God. To this end, we ask that our parishioners and friends keep this prayer in their daily prayers. According to His will, may God grant us to see the day of the dedication of the new church.

Fr. George in Moscow - 05/14/07

From May 17 through 21, Father George will be among the pilgrims accompanying the ROCOR clergy delegatoin and choir on their trip to Moscow. He wil have the opportunity to be present at the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion, and to serve in Christ the Savior Cathedral. Please keep him in your prayers for a safe trip and an inspiring sojourn.

Prayer for the sick - 05/01/07

Our sister, Elizabeth Chisolm, continues with her recovery from her broken leg. She is still in the rehabilitation facility in Riderwood Village where she and Don live and hopes to return to their home soon.

Remember Andrew, father of Elizabeth and father-in-law of Edmund Sweet. His heart surgery was postponed.

Remember Dyonisia Ryan who is grievously ill with cancer and undergoing treatment at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. She received Holy Unction from Father George on Tuesday, 4/24, prior to the beginning of her chemotherapy.

The Sick - 11/01/06

"I was sick, and you visited me." We have petitions for the sick during the Liturgy and every Wednesday at our prayer service before the icon of the Mother of God, "Queen of All;" so, if you or someone you know is sick and needs prayer or would like a visit, please let Father George know. Of your kindness and charity, please remember before the Lord our parishioner, Betty Chisholm and her husband, Don. Betty suffered a recent fall and her recovery is slow and painful. Her husband, Don, is in a rehabilitation center in D.C. recovering from recent back surgery.

St. Joseph the All-Comely Orthodox Young Adults Group - 11/01/06

In recognition of the increasing number of young single people in the parish, we have founded a group that will welcome as members Orthodox young adults from college age through the early 30’s. It is established in order to nurture Christian fellowship and encourage mutual prayer. The patronage of the Holy Patriarch Joseph the All-Comely is sought to bolster awareness of the need to maintain a holy witness in today’s world. TPlease see Claire Mendis or Father George for more information about the group and its activities.

The Nativity Fast - 11/01/06

The Nativity Fast starts on Tuesday, 11/28, and concludes on Saturday, 1/6. So that we may prepare, here are the fasting regulations governing this period. The rules for this fast are somewhat lighter than those for the Great Fast anticipating Pascha. The basis of all our fasting periods is the avoidance of the use of animal products, oil and wine, and the consumption of less food generally. Here are the exceptions.

On all Saturdays, Sundays, and on these dates: 12/4, 12/18, 12/19, 12/25 and 12/26, fish, wine and oil may be used.

On all other Tuesdays, Thursdays, and on these dates: 11/29, 12/8, 12/13 and 12/22, wine and oil may be used.

We need to remember, too, that the fasting period is not primarily for the keeping of a diet. We keep this regimen to better enable our prayer.

Departure of the Mulligan-Norton Family - 11/01/06

Sunday, 11/26, will be the last Sunday that Natasha, Luke and Alexander will be with us. As most of you know, they are moving to Southern California, partly for easing the care of Natasha’s aging mother, Julie, whom it has also been our pleasure to know, and partly for entering fresh fields of endeavor in a more conducive environment. We pray for God’s guidance for them in their new life there. They will always be a part of the fabric of our life here because of what they have done here. They have opened their house to us; Natasha has served as our Treasurer; she and Luke have been pillars of our choir, Natasha also ably serving as occasional choir director; Alexander has been of immense help with his reverent, skilled and smooth altar service. Natasha, Luke, Alexander: you will be missed. We thank God that you have been here. We trust that He will continue to care for you as you remain close to Him, and thereby to us. Please keep us in your prayers. While we breathe, you all will continue in ours, together with your father Donald of happy memory.

Our Parish Thanksgiving Meal - 11/01/06

As we do each year, so this year we will gather as a body to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with the traditional festive meal. Since some are out of town on the weekend following, the Thanksgiving trapeza will take place after the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, 11/19. The meal is being coordinated by Katya Renko with the St. Juliana Sisterhood. Please let her know what you would like to contribute to the meal.

A New Class for Everyone - 11/01/06

As part of our Nativity Fast increased devotion, beginning Wednesday, 11/29, after our regular moleben, we will have a class wherein we study together the book “Orthodox Dogmatic Theology” by Father Michael Pomazansky. Class members will read about 30 pages per week. At the Wednesday session, Father George will lead a discussion of what was read. Copies of the book will be obtained and made available to class members for $20 (very, very well worth it). Please contact Father George or Matushka Deborah if you would like to be a part of the class so that we are sure to get enough copies.

2006 St. Romanos Music Seminar - 06/14/06

Metropolitan Laurus served the Evening Vigil and Divine Liturgy at our parish.

December 25th, 2011. Announcements on the 28th Sunday after Pentecost, The Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, and the Venerable Herman of Alaska

A Report on the Metropolitan’s visit on the Diocesan Web Site – Please see the article about Metropolitan Hilarion’s visit and the ordinations posted just the other day on the web site.

Please make your pledge for 2012! – Work has started on our 2012 budget.  The pledge forms are available at the candle stand.  Remember to complete the family information part.  The due date is today.

2012 Wall Calendars are in and available behind the candle stand for $5.00.

Our Nativity Celebrations – please put into your thoughts and on to calendars our doings surrounding the Nativity of the Lord.

We will celebrate the eve of the feast on Friday, the 6th, with the Royal Hours, Vespers and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, all starting at 9 AM, and with the festal vigil starting at 6:30 PM.

We will celebrate the Divine Liturgy of the feast on Saturday, the 7th, starting at 9:40 AM.

We will follow immediately with the festal meal at church, not at the rectory.  The Nativity Fast is over then, so please contribute your favorite non-fasting dish, signing up on the sheet in our kitchen.

The Saturday evening vigil and Sunday Divine Liturgy will happen at the usual times.

All are invited to the rectory for the singing of Christmas Carols on Sunday evening, the 8th, starting at 6 PM.   We will have a potluck with ethnic appetizers, which may of course include American, so please contribute your talent and time to that as well.  We expect guests, including clergy, from other parishes and places, so please come to help us celebrate the birth of our Lord.

Pray For and Visit the Aged – "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction." (James 1:27)  These ladies are all in Riderwood just west of Rte 95, just past Calverton Shopping Center and would appreciate contact and prayers: Olga Prisekin, Rosalie Belida, Betty Chisholm and Dorothy Dague.

Service Opportunities
Meal Signups – Add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks.
Church Cleaning – Be on the weekly cleaning team and/or give $40 in support.
Nick’s Place – We give non-perishable goods to this halfway house for young men recovering from substance abuse.  See Monica Pelt.
Holy Apostles Chariots is our “ride-to-church” service.  See Kyrill Shillen.
The Choir – Rehearsals are at 7 PM on Thursdays.  New members are needed!

Orthodox Christians on Campus is in recess for the holiday time, and, God willing, will resume in January.  St. Joseph’s Young Adults will also take up again in January.  Both these ministries are being taken care of by Father Christopher, so speak with him for more information.

Father John Townsend is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land June 12th to 24th, 2012. The price is $3,200 per person; a deposit of $350 is required by February 1st.  To find out the exact itinerary and what else the price includes, please look at one of the brochures by the candle stand.

Visitors and Guests please sign in the guest book to the right of the church-shaped donation box, and, if possible, include any contact information such as address, telephone and email.

November 20, 2011 The Choir of the Holy Unmercenary Physicians

Announcements on the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, The Choir of the Holy Unmercenary Physicians, November 20th, 2011


Metropolitan Hilarion to Serve and Ordain – God willing, he will come and serve with us on Friday and Saturday, December 2nd and 3rd, and will perform the ordination of Father Deacon Christopher Johnson to the priesthood during the Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning. We have so far heard that several other clergy are joining us as well. Glory to God! Please keep Father Christopher and Matushka Dorothy in your prayers. Also, God willing, Metropolitan Hilarion will add to the festivities the ordination to the diaconate of Monk Damaskinos. We can expect therefore in addition monastic guests, including Abbess Aemilliane and some of the sisters of the Convent of the Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple.


A Souvenir of the Visit of the Myrrh-Streaming and Wonder-working Icon of the Mother of God of Iveron from Hawaii can be purchased for $15. It is a booklet containing the Akathist of St. Romanos in large print and marked for singing,along with other devotional songs to the Mother of God. We use it for our Wednesday evening prayers before our copy of the wonder-working icon. Please buy one for the support of our work, and use it in your own prayers.


Thanks are due to God’s help and inspiration – Through individual generosity borne in the hearts of givers, we have to date accumulated nearly $44,000. As Augustine’s prescient thermometer shows, our current goal to enable us to move to our new property is $60,000. The target keeps moving because research by our relocation and building group shows new needs. This cannot be helped. And, because our status here is vulnerable, we need to keep our goal to move ever in our prayers and help any way we can, by donations and expertise. All these contributions can be channeled into the efforts of…


Our Relocation and Building Group – This group is formed to coordinate our relocation efforts. If you would like to be part of this, please speak with Matushka Deborah.


Ongoing Financial Support for the Parish – Now is the time to make or renew your 2012 pledge. We cannot calculate what Holy Apostles means to us. But we can very much calculate the ongoing physical needs of the parish. Our treasurer is starting work on our 2012 budget. So please, fill out the pledge forms. They are available at the candle stand. Remember to complete the family information part.


The Use of Candles – A candle represents the prayer of the one who set it out. During the service, please let the prayer complete itself by allowing the candle to burn into the sand. Also, when lighting all the candles, please also don’t discard any remaining candle unless it is burned down to the sand, or very close to that. If you pull it out to discard and discover that it still has some burning time left, please put it back for relighting.


Pray for and Visit the Aged – "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction." (James 1:27)

These ladies are all in Riderwood just west of Rte 95, just past Calverton Shopping Center and would appreciate contact and prayers: Olga Prisekin, Rosalie Belida, Betty Chisholm and Dorothy Dague.


Service Opportunities

Meal Signups – Add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks. No onw has signed up for next week (November 27th.)

Church Cleaning – Be on the cleaning team and/or support with a $40 donation for a weekly cleaning.

Nick’s Place – Please contribute non-perishable goods for the local halfway house for young men recovering from substance abuse.

Holy Apostles Chariots takes turns picking up whoever needs a ride to church. If you need a ride or would like be one of the charioteers, please speak to our “chief charioteer,” Kyril Shillenn.

The Choir needs people and if you can sing you can be one of them. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 PM. This Thursday being Thanksgiving, there will be a special rehearsal on Wednesday evening after the Thanksgiving prayer.


Orthodox Christians on Campus is meeting this coming Tuesday evening at 7 PM as well as every Tuesday evening, in the chapel at the Catholic Student Center at the intersection of Guilford Drive and Knox Road by the University of Maryland in College Park. If you know a student who is Orthodox at the University or a student who is curious about Orthodoxy, please let him know about this. We have Vespers followed by a speaker or discussion and Q & A.  Sometimes we go out to eat afterwards. This past Tuesday, there were upwards of 40 people in attendance for Fr. Daniel Byantoro’s talk. 


St. Joseph’s Young Adults, our Orthodox young people’s group from the Baltimore-Washington area, will resume meeting on Friday, December 9th, at 7 PM at the Rectory.


Today is our Thanksgiving Potluck, so let us please all gather and enjoy God’s bounty together and give thanks to Him for His many benefits, including the efforts he has inspired in those who prepared the meal.


Visitors and Guests please sign in the guest book to the right of the church-shaped donation box, and, if possible, include any contact information such as address, telephone and email.


Constantine Zalalas will be giving a talk at our church on Sunday evening, December 11th,, at 6PM.  He is part of the “Greek Friends of Holy Apostles” who are fervently working to help us raise the needed funds to build our church. Please mark your calendar and come and support our parish and hear his inspiring talk. A flyer is attached.

November 6th, 2011: the Mother of God, Joy of All who Sorrow

Announcements on the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, the Mother of God, Joy of All who Sorrow, November 6th, 2011


A Souvenir of the Visit of the Myrrh-Streaming and Wonder-working Icon of the Mother of God of Iveron from Hawaii is available for a donation of $15. It is a book containing devotional songs and the full text to the Akathist to the Mother of God that was prepared for and used during the icon’s visit. We use them in our Wednesday night devotions. We also have a number of small card copies of the icon with the Troparion on the back that have been touched to the original. These are yours for the asking.


Metropolitan Hilarion to Serve and Ordain – God willing, he will come and serve with us on Friday and Saturday, December 2nd and 3rd, and will perform the ordination of Father Deacon Christopher Johnson to the priesthood during the Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning. We have so far heard that several other clergy are joining us as well. Glory to God! Please keep Father Christopher and Matushka Dorothy in your prayers.


Thanks to an anonymous donor – we were offered a matching grant of up to $10,000 for money raised last Saturday and December 11th. By this past Wednesday, within three days, we received money and pledges matching that grant, for a total of $20,000 towards the money needed to move to our new property. Adding this to the $10,000 that we had already raised, we have now $30,000.


$20,000 still needed – Because our office park unit here has been sold, we need to move to our new property. To be able to move, we have an immediate goal of $50,000 to obtain and situate a triple-wide building on our property and install supporting utilities, with the help of our friend, builder Don Blevins. We will need a minimum of $20,000 more. Please consider donating all or part of this to the building fund.


A Relocation and Building Group has formed to coordinate our relocation efforts. If you would like to be part of this, please speak with Matushka Deborah.


Ongoing Financial Support for the Parish – Please make or renew your pledge for 2012. Remember what Holy Apostles parish means to us. Pledge forms are available at the candle stand. Remember to fill out the attached family information.  Ask our Treasurer, Matushka Dorothy any questions. We really need this information soon to form our 2012 budget.


Visit and Pray for the Aged – "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction." (James 1:27)

These ladies are all in Riderwood just west of Rte 95, just past Calverton Shopping Center and would appreciate contact and prayers: Olga Prisekin, Rosalie Belida, Betty Chisholm and Dorothy Dague.


Service Opportunities

Meal Signups – Add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks.

Church Cleaning – Be on the cleaning team and/or support with a $40 donation for a weekly cleaning.

Nick’s Place – Please contribute non-perishable goods for the local halfway house for young men recovering from substance abuse.

The Choir needs people and if you can sing you can be one of them. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 PM

Holy Apostles Chariots takes turns picking up whoever needs a ride to church. If you need a ride or would like be one of the charioteers, please speak to our “chief charioteer,” Kyrill Shillen.


Orthodox Christians on Campus is a group of Orthodox students at the University of Maryland in College Park who meet Tuesday evenings. Father Christopher and I have joined their supporting clergy and he has been there in regular support, with me as backup. Some of them were here for the icon.


St. Joseph’s Young Adults, our Orthodox young people’s group from the Baltimore-Washington area has not met recently because of our house disaster. We hope to re-start this effort very soon.


Constantine Zalalas, noted speaker and lay theologian, will give a talk on “Orthodox Spirituality and the Heart” here at Holy Apostles on Sunday, December 11th, at 6 PM. He is offering his talk as a fundraiser for our building fund. Those who heard him this past Lent when he spoke on “How to fight evil” can attest to his informative and inspirational gifts. Save the date. Come to hear and be inspired, and support the building of our church. Invite a friend; all are welcome!


A Bake Sale is happening next week, Sunday the 13th provided by our St. Juliana sisterhood, the proceeds to support parish and sisterhood activities. Get something enjoyable to eat and thereby support the sisterhood and the parish.


The Parish Council meets tomorrow evening (Monday the 7th) at 7 PM.

August 7th, 2011, Announcements on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost & Dormition of the Righteous Anna, Mother of the Theotokos

Many Years to the recently baptized Seraphima Delph on the commemoration of St. Seraphim of Sarov this past Monday.

Congratulations are in order for those families contributing directly the growth of the parish by bearing children!  This past Monday evening at about 9:30, Mariya Petrenko gave birth to Daniel Maximovich at Greater Laurel Hospital, and Friday morning at 2 AM, Elena Swenson gave birth to Daniel Ivanovich at Holy Cross Hospital.  The prayers on the day of birth were said on site for both.  Everybody looks beautiful.  God willing, the prayers at the 8th day naming will be said this week at their houses.

St. Seraphim’s Youth Camp concludes today.  It seems that the campers have all had an edifying and happy time together.  Let us pray that our people who attended return to us safely this evening, including Father Christopher and Matushka Dorothy Johnson and Alexandra Raybin

Traveling also are Justin in Colombia and Augustine in China.  Pray for their safe return.

A Wedding! – God willing, Matthew Raybin and Lyubov Greenwood will be married during the Divine Liturgy for the Dormition of the Theotokos on Sunday, August 28th.  Keep these young people in your prayers as they prepare for this joyous and momentous step in their lives.

Service and Stewardship Meal Signups – Add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks – Church Cleaning – Be part of a team that cleans the church on Friday’s; or be a supporting donor by contributing $40 for a Friday cleaning – Nick’s Place – Contribute non-perishable goods for the local halfway house for young men recovering from substance abuse.

We welcome visitors and new members of our community – Please sign our guest book by the church-shaped donation box

St. Joseph the Patriarch Orthodox Young Adults Invites You.

What: A talk on "The Fear of God".  The talk will be a springboard for a discussion on the nature of God, our existence, and our salvation.
Who: Fr. John Moses, rector of All Saints of North America Orthodox Church in Middlebrook, Virginia.
When: Friday, August 12, 2011, 7:00 PM
Where:  The rectory

Fr. John will also be serving at Holy Apostles next weekend, August 13th and 14th. He is also coming to see our historic church property and see what his group, Volunteers In Mission (VIM), can do to help us move to the new property.


Many Years to Vladimir, Alexandra and Marina (Raybins all), for the recent commemorations of their Saints.


St. Joseph’s Young Adults will meet next at the Rectory on Friday, August 5th at 7 PM. Any college age through early 30’s people in your acquaintance please let them know about this opportunity for Orthodox fellowship and mutual spiritual encouragement.


St. Seraphim’s Youth Camp starts tomorrow. Let us keep in our prayers all those who will be in attendance that God protect and keep them in their travels and return them safely to us.


Traveling also is our parishioner Justin Loss, who will be in Columbia, that’s South America, for a few weeks – Keep Augustine in your prayers as he goes on a trip to China(!) – pray for their safe return.


Service and Stewardship – Meal Signups – Add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks – Church Cleaning – Be part of a team that cleans the church on Friday’s; or be a supporting donor by contributing $40 for a Friday cleaning – Nick’s Place – Contribute non-perishable goods for the local halfway house for young men recovering from substance abuse.


So much is given­ – On his way to the airport Monday a week ago, the steward of the wonder—working icon, Reader Nectary, repeated his prediction that our parish was on the threshold of great things and that we would get what we needed. The next day, the For Sale sign went up for this unit. In the next days after that, we have met twice with a very talented builder with quite a resume who is interested and excited about our new property and wants to help us to move as soon as possible. It is incumbent upon us all to fall to praying as much and as fervently as we can for God’s will to be carried out in this matter, as well as, of course, that the same be done for each and all in our parish family.


We welcome visitors and new members of our community – Please sign our guest book by the church-shaped donation box


The Week of Pentecost is a fast-free week


The Parish Council will meet tomorrow night at 7 here at church.


St. Joseph’s Young Adults will meet at the Rectory at 7 PM, this Friday evening, the 17th, for a Pizza Party, celebrating Pentecost and the fast-free opportunity it provides.


A Baptism!God willing, Thomas Hurlock will be baptized this coming Saturday at 2 PM, and Kyrill Shillen is his sponsor.


A Baby Shower will be held Tuesday, June 21st, at 7 PM at the Rectory for Mariya Petrenko and Elena Swenson. Please RSVP Mariya with your intention to be there.


Photo Report and Beltsville News Article – A photo-report of the Metropolitan’s visit is being prepared for the Diocesan website, as well as an article for the Beltsville News. Today is the last day that any photos of that day can be submitted for possible inclusion.


Meal Signups – Please add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks.


Our New Church Cleaning System – The reimbursement is $40 for one cleaning and the normal day to do this is Friday, in plenty of time for the weekend services. If you want to sponsor a cleaning (by providing $40), you can do that too. For both of these possibilities, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the kitchen. Please talk to Mariya Petrenko for details regarding the cleaning job. Sponsors should make out a check to the church with “church cleaning” on the memo line. Since, so far, the response to this initiative has not met expectations, you may be approached to participate. As always in history, the way to escape the draft is to volunteer.


Saint Seraphim of Sarov Summer Camp Registration (we hope) is still open. The camp will run from July 31st to August 7th and the cost is $225 per child. The camp is for children in grades 3-12, but older people can help out. This is an excellent opportunity for our youngsters to make life long connections with other Orthodox people their age. The camp fills up quickly so act now. Talk to Father Christopher or Matushka Dorothy for more information.


Nick’s Place – We collect non-perishable goods for the local half-way house for young men. They are very grateful for what we bring. The orange bin to hold your donations is in the corner by the closet. Please talk to Monica Pelt about specific needs or other ways you can help.


Parish Feast Weekend – Save the DateJuly 16-18 – God-willing, Bishop Jerome and Father Deacon Dimitri will be joining us for our parish feast weekend in July. Reader Nectarios will bring the Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon. The Vigil and Divine Liturgy will be Saturday & Sunday July 16th & 17th. There will be a potluck reception at the rectory after the Liturgy. In commemoration of the 5th anniversary of his repose, on Monday morning, July 18th, the holy icon will be with us for a memorial service (pannyhida) for Matushka’s father, John Garvey.


You may notice that Matushka Deborah is absent. Thanks be to God, she is fine. She had the privilege of being asked to be Godmother to baby Anastasia, the daughter of Father Robert and Matushka Krissy Miclean, who shepherd an Orthodox mission to the colleges in Annapolis, and she is there today, fulfilling that divine and joyful duty.


We welcome visitors and new members of our community – Please sign our guest book back by the church-shaped donation box

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

A Parish Cookbook – The sisterhood is assembling recipes for a parish cookbook – it will include provision for regular, holiday and Lenten cooking with a special Lenten section for “the picky eater.”  Please get your recipes in these categories to Matushka Anastasia through email ( or in person.

Be watchful!A local policeman informed us of muggings that have been perpetrated on people in a six-block area of Rte 1, including this block.  One should not come to the church alone after dark; and please be very attentive to the parking lot in coming and going.

The Hawaiian Myrrh-streaming Icon – We have purchased reservations to enable Reader Nectarios to bring the wonder-working copy of the Iveron Icon to our 10th anniversary celebration.  We have also arranged for other churches to shar in this blessing as well as the cost burden.  Thus encouraged, let us open our pockets yet again to show our gratitude to he Mother of God for the grace she freely shares with us.

Pray for our Metropolitan who is planning to undergo knee surgery on March 15th.




Announcements for Feb 13, 2011

Announcements for Sunday, February 13th, 2011

Many years to Brigid Diaz in remembrance of her heavenly patron, Brigid of Ireland, whose icon is here for veneration.

Travelers – Elena is back, and we’re very glad, but now her husband, Reader John is out visiting his twin brother Jim in New York, and Silas Diaz is visiting his father and family in Florida.  Pray for everybody’s safe return.

The Great Feast of the Meeting of the Lord will be this coming week.  The vigil is tomorrow night, Monday, at 6:30 PM and the Liturgy is on Tuesday morning at 8:40 AM

The Washington Orthodox Clergy Council Meeting will be held here at Holy Apostles on Tuesday evening, February 15th at 7 PM.  This is the regular monthly meeting of all Orthodox clergy in the area who can attend.  It is an honor for us to be asked to host it.  We plan to provide coffee and light refreshment.  If you would like to be part of the effort to welcome our brother clergy, please, for the material preparation, talk to Matushka Anastasia.  Trays of desert-type refreshments will be assembled.  Please bring whatever you would like to contribute to church on Monday night or Tuesday morning and please help with set up so as to finish after Tuesday morning’s service.  Also, Matushka Deborah will be present to assist at the meeting itself and is asking for one more volunteer to help her then.

Fast-Free Week – There are no fasting days this week following the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee – This is to remind us that there should be no pride in fasting according to the rules.  No matter what our degree of adherence to the rules, we are to never let our self-estimation rise above the Publican who said “Have mercy on me, a sinner.”

St. Joseph’s Young Adults – “Orthodoxy Awareness Week”

St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults Group is getting ready to sponsor “Orthodoxy Awareness Week,” during this coming Lent.  They and we hope to draw to the Faith those of college age who are now at the University of MD in College Park, two miles from here.  We also plan to advertise the event locally, in the Beltsville News, and put out flyers.  Please pray for them and us, as we prepare for this.

A Parish Cookbook – The sisterhood is assembling recipes for a parish cookbook – it will include provision for regular, holiday and Lenten cooking with a special Lenten section for “the picky eater.”  Please get your recipes in these categories to Matushka Anastasia through email ( or in person.

The February Bulletin is out in quantity on the tract rack in the back.








Announcements for Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

NOW is the time for your generous support of our ongoing and great parish financial needs.
The projected budget for 2011 still includes a large deficit, of about $17,000.00 - $18,000.00 for the year, or about $1500.00 a month. If you are renewing, if at all possible raise the amount of your pledge.  If you have not made a pledge before, now is the time to start.  A central part of the Christian life is setting and keeping a pattern of giving as part of our Christian life. The amount we pledge should represent a sacrifice and not simply a comfortable amount of our resources.

The deficit is going to make it difficult for the parish to fully pay the housing allowance.  Though the parish does not pay the rector a salary, he relies on the housing allowance.  Please see the addendum below, excerpted from the ROCOR parish bylaws.  There is no on-going external source of income for our parish outside of your pledge and other individual donations.

Consider making an extra donation to the General Fund, which covers the operating expenses of the parish. Speak to the Treasurer if you would like to make a one time donation to cover all or part of the deficit.  This is a time of great trial for our parish.  If you are able to help, now is the time.


Father John Townsend will be visiting our parish this coming weekend.  He will begin his visit with us for the following events:

  1. Friday 1/28, 7:00 PM at the rectory - the meeting of the St. Joseph the Patriarch Orthodox Young Adults.  All are invited to this meeting, not just the young people.  Father John will talk about his conversion to Orthodoxy, and will lead a discussion on the ways in which we each found the Orthodox Faith, and how to be missionary - how we can bring others to our holy Faith. We will offer hot mulled cider.  If you would like to bring cookies or a light snack to share, please let Claire or Matushka Deborah know.

  2. Saturday 1/29 5:00 PM & Sunday 1/30 9:40 AM, Father John will be serving on the weekend for the Vigil and Divine Liturgy, 1/29 and 1/30.

Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God to Visit Us – SAVE THE DATES!

Wednesday, February 2nd at 6 PM and Thursday, February 3rd at 8:40 AM, we will celebrate an Evening Vigil and Divine Liturgy before the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, Protectress of the Russian Diaspora.  We always need her help, and we should be grateful that the diocese is the willing channel for this help.

St. Joseph’s Young Adults – “Orthodoxy Awareness Week”

St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults Group is getting ready to sponsor “Orthodoxy Awareness Week,” during this coming Lent.  They and we hope to draw to the Faith those of college age who are now at the University of MD in College Park, two miles from here.  We also plan to advertise the event locally, in the Beltsville News, and put out flyers.  Please pray for them and us, as we prepare for this.

Theophany Houseblessings are available by appointment.  Please speak to Fr. George if you would like to have your house blessed.  The following excerpt is from Fr. Sergei Sveshnikoff’s article on houseblessings.  The full article can be found at:

Why Bless a Home?

The Orthodox Church teaches that we do not have two separate lives–a secular one and a spiritual one–but one human life, and that all of it must be holy.  We must not be Christians for just a few hours on Saturday and Sunday, spending the rest of our life godlessly, that is to say, without God.  The person who has united with Christ in the sacrament of baptism cannot be a part-time Christian, but must be faithful to Christ everywhere and at all times–in church, at work, at home, in relationships with other Christians, and in those with non-Christians–we must be faithful to Christ in the fullness of our life.

The Holy Orthodox Church teaches us that a temple is not only a building in which we worship, but that we are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16); that the Body of Christ is not only that of which we partake at the Divine Liturgy, but that we are the Body of Christ(1 Cor. 12:27).  And just as the Gifts of the Eucharist are treated with reverence and kept in sanctified vessels in the altar, so should every Christian’s life be full of reverence and sanctity not only during a church service, but likewise outside the walls of the temple.  A Christian’s home must become a small temple, work–labor for the glory of God, and family–a small Church.

The Orthodox Church helps her children strive for holiness in their lives and brings sanctification to every Christian home–a small temple.  The Church blesses the very foundation of a home in the same way that it blesses the foundation of a church, it blesses a new Christian home in the same way that it blesses a new temple, and yearly, after the blessing of a parish temple with the water of Theophany, the Church brings this holy water into the homes of the faithful.  The prayers for the blessing of a temple are different from those for the blessing of a home, because the function of a home is different from that of a temple, but the sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit is one.  And just as in the baptism of our Lord all of creation is washed clean and sanctified, every year after the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (January 19, according to the secular calendar) Christians sanctify themselves and their homes with the water of Theophany.

The Church teaches us to sanctify everything: dwellings, places of work, all our pursuits, and the fruits of our labor.  And just as a temple and sacred vessels, once sanctified and set aside for sacred use, can no longer be used for anything profane, in the same way a Christian washed in the baptismal waters, and his home, and all his works can no longer be the dwelling of sin and the works of satan, but only and always–the temple of the Holy Spirit and the fulfillment of the will of our Heavenly Father.  This is why the Church blesses everything that can be found in a Christian home; and if something is not worthy of being blessed, then there should not be a place for it in the home of a Christian. (1)

From the ROCOR Parish Bylaws:

2. It shall be the aim of the parish to unite the believers around the parish church on the basis of the teachings, the canons, the traditions and the rules of the Russian Orthodox Church for the satisfaction of the religious needs and moral benefit of its members.

3. It shall be the object of the parish to mutually assist the believers, forming part thereof and united in the Faith in Christ our Savior, by means of prayers, Sacraments, Christian teaching and Church discipline, in attaining salvation through the participation in sacraments and Christian enlightenment, worthy life and Christian charity. Accordingly, the immediate aims of the parish shall include:

a) the care of the church and its adornment;

b) the maintenance of the clergy;

c) the economic prosperity of the parish and the care of the needs of the church, the clergy and all parish institutions, the diocesan and social needs;

d) charitable work, and

e) educational work in the spirit of the Orthodox Church.

4. In conjunction with the parish church there shall be a clergy staff of not less than two members, the rector and the deacon, or the psalmist/precentor, who shall receive living accommodations and subsistence from the parish.









Announcements for Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

more permanent announcements are available in the "News and Announcements" section of our Parish Bulletin (see the "Current Parish Bulletin" tab of this web-site).

Fundraising for the Parish Building Fund

On-Line Mall

Please use our on-line mall for ALL your on-line shopping.  How to do this is all explained on church web site on the "Building Fund page".  Going through the on-line mall to the site where you shop takes only a couple of extra clicks, but our building fund gets a donation for every purchase made through our on-line mall. Mariya Petrenko will be happy to review the instructions and do a demo to show you how now, today, both during and after our meal.  Take advantage of this.

Decorating and Cleaning the Church for Nativity

Many, many thanks to the small volunteer army that took care of the decoration in preparation for Nativity, Friday and Yesterday.  There is some left to be done.  Today after trapeza and Sunday School is the first opportunity.  The last opportunity will be on Wednesday.  By Wednesday, January 5th, the decorating must be completed.  There will be virtually continuous services from Thursday morning through Friday mid-day and there will be no opportunity for decorating during those days.  Check with Mariya Petrenko to see what is left to be done, and be ready to help if asked.

A Nativity Gift for “Nick’s Place”

Our parish has an outreach to Nick’s Place, a local halfway house in Beltsville.  The residents are six young men who are in the process of righting their lives. As a special effort for Nativity Monica Pelt, who is tasked with coordinating our outreach to “Nick’s Place” has this suggestion:  Planning to bake something for Nativity?  If so, you could donate a loaf of bread, cake, cookies or other homemade goodies to our Nativity basket for Nick's Place.  I will be delivering the basket on Friday, January 7th, after services with a card from our parish.  Contact me if you have any questions (202) 486-8005 or  --Monica

From Saint Maria Skobtsova of Paris:

The way to God lies through love of other people and there is no other way.  At the Last Judgment I shall not be asked if I was successful in my ascetic exercises or how many prostrations I made in the course of my prayers.  I shall be asked, did I feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the prisoners: that is all I shall be asked.

Festal Nativity Open House

All are invited to the Rectory to celebrate the feast on Friday, January 7th, at about 2 PM.  Please bring a dish to share.  Brigid Diaz is, as usual, coordinating the meal, so please see her about your contribution.  There is also a signup sheet on the bulletin board.

Christmas Carol Singing – SAVE THE DATE!

St, Joseph’s Young Adults and Holy Apostles invites you to the rectory for a Christmas Carol Singing party Friday, January 14th,, at 7:00 PM.   It is a fast-free Friday.  Please bring an “ethnic” appetizer to share.  Please RSVP to either Matushka Deborah or Claire Mendis.

Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God to Visit Us – SAVE THE DATES!

Wednesday, February 2nd at 6 PM and Thursday, February 3rd at 8:40 AM, we will celebrate an Evening Vigil and Divine Liturgy before the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God, Protectress of the Russian Diaspora.  We always need her help, and we should be grateful that the diocese is the willing channel for this help.

St. Joseph’s Young Adults – “Orthodoxy Awareness Week”

St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults Group is getting ready to sponsor “Orthodoxy Awareness Week,” during this coming Lent.  They and we hope to draw to the Faith those of college age who are now at the University of MD in College Park, two miles from here.  We also plan to advertise the event locally, in the Beltsville News, and put out flyers.  Please pray for them and us, as we prepare for this.

Ongoing Sisterhood Activities

The sisterhood is continuing to take donations for Christmas floral decoration, including, we hope of course, poinsettias.  Please put your contribution into the basket provided. Let’s gather our goodies and tell her about them to support this project.  If anyone knows where we can obtain poinsettias, please speak to Mariya.

Matushka Anastasia is also collecting recipes for the projected Parish cookbook.  Please share recipes and photos with her.







Announcements for December 5

more permanent announcements are available in the "News and Announcements" section of our Parish Bulletin (see the "Current Parish Bulletin" tab of this web-site).

Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God to Visit Us – SAVE THE DATES!

Wednesday, February 2nd at 6 PM and Thursday, February 3rd at 8:40 AM, we will celebrate an Evening Vigil and Divine Liturgy before the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign,” the “sign” being that of the prophet Isaiah.  We all, all the time, need to pray before her.  We should never neglect this opportunity; no matter how often is happens.

Fundraising for the Parish Building Fund

On-Line Mall

Please use our on-line mall for ALL your on-line shopping.  How to do this is all explained on church web site on the "Building Fund page".  Going through the on-line mall to the site where you shop takes only a couple of extra clicks, but our building fund gets a donation for every purchase made through our on-line mall. Mariya Petrenko will be happy to review the instructions and do a demo to show you how now, today, both during and after our meal.  Take advantage of this.

Loaves and Fishes

So far, the loaves and fishes program is the runaway best moneymaker for the building fund that we’ve had yet.  If you haven’t completed the initial phase of your own mailing, or if you have made new contacts that should get a mailing, please take advantage of the fact that we have plenty of materials, right there in the front closet.  And, we have two opportunities to gather to take this effort forward.  On succeeding Wednesdays, December 8th and December 15th at 7 PM, all who wish to be a communal part of the Loaves and Fishes campaign are welcomed to the Rectory where hot mulled apple cider will be provided.  Take advantage of this for the sake of the future of Holy Apostles.

The Next St. Joseph’s Young Adults Meeting

This Friday, the 10th at 7 PM, St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults Group will gather for fellowship at the Rectory and to hear a presentation on the life of St. Photini.  She is the Samaritan Woman of the Gospel and the patron Saint of the presenter, Claire Mendis.  This is another in an ongoing series of lives of missionary Saints that group members have given at the meetings.  Anyone from college age through the mid-thirties is welcome.

A Pilgrim Tells His Story

Kyrill Shillenn is offering to share with us his experiences while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  The presentation, illustrated by many photographs, will be at the Rectory on Friday, December 17th.  Light refreshment will be provided.  This is an occasion when we can share with and gather inspiration from our pilgrim brother’s experiences.

We are in the Nativity Fast

Volunteers for the Sunday meals, get out your Fish recipes!

Helping us prepare for the Nativity of the Lord

Father Deacon Damian will be leading us in exploring the meaning of the feast of the Nativity of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ in two sessions this month on succeeding Wednesdays, December 22nd and 29th.  Please take advantage of these opportunities for deepening our Faith.

Donations for Nativity Flowers

The sisterhood is taking donations for Christmas floral decoration, including, we hope of course, poinsettias.  Please put your contribution into the basket provided, or give you contribution directly to Matushka Anastasia, the sisterhood treasurer.

Parish Cookbook

Matushka Anastasia is collecting recipes for the projected Parish cookbook.  Let’s gather our goodies and tell her about them to support this project.








News for November-December

Remember to pray for…

Betty Chisholm (and her husband, Don) as they struggle with the infirmities of age

Our Travelers: Kyrill Shillen will join Father Victor and others from St. John’s on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  (Ask him to pray for us at all the holy sites.)

An opportunity to help a fellow parishioner

Betty Chisholm would very much like to come to church, but needs a special Medical-Transport van to do so.  If you would like to donate the price of one (1) trip ($103.00), please speak with Matushka Deborah Johnson.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction….

Our parishioner, Olga Prisekin, has lost a lot of her eyesight and her hearing.  She would be grateful for help with grocery shopping, if anyone can donate the time to take her to one of her favorite stores, either MOM’s or Trader Joe’s.  If you would like to help Mrs. Prisekin by driving her to the store, the best way to let her know would be to tell her at church.  It’s easier to communicate with her by writing things down on paper; phone calls are difficult.

We have two other parishioners who, along with Mrs. Prisekin, live in Riderwood and are housebound as they cannot drive anymore.  Betty Chisholm and Dorothy Dague both welcome visitors – call first, of course.  If you have a bit of extra time and would like to pay them a visit, give them a call!

Books for Spiritual Growth and (great for gifts too!)

In our bookstore we have these items, all highly recommended (they wouldn’t be there otherwise).  They should be a part of every Orthodox Christian’s library.

Father Seraphim Rose, His Life and Works by Abbot Damascene

Confession, the Holy Mystery of Repentance by Father John Townsend

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Father Michael Pamazansky

Two new offerings!

Bright Faith is now available in our bookstore for $12.95.  Father Artemy Vladimirov Talks with Western Orthodox Christians:

A decade of collected interviews and articles from Road to Emmaus: A Journal of Orthodox Faith and Culture – Here is a quote from the book:

“For Christians, the miracle of all time is the Holy Liturgy, and the Church itself is the first circle of paradise, heaven on earth.  No matter what our circumstances, our hearts should be at peace because God Almighty, our Savior Jesus Christ, is with us as He promised, to the end of the world.  The darker the world and the crueler its habits, the lighter is the Church with its celestial laws and rules, warmed by Christ’s life and love.  The weaker we feel ourselves, the swifter we are to run to the Church.  If we have true faith and a sense of kinship with the saints, who are our intercessors and elder brothers and sisters, we need have no fear of being misled, of falling into delusion or “prelest.” Whether we are confessors or parishioners, bishops or laymen, we are to have strong hope, a sober mind, and a peaceful heart, walking in the light of Almighty God’s wisdom and love.”

Facing Islam, by Ralph H. Sidway is available for $20.00. 

We have other books for sale and please also take advantage of our library.

Purchase of Books, Candles, Prosphora and Other Items

Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item name, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand.  Also indicate your purchase on the “for” or memo line of a check, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash and leave your check or cash in the wicker basket.  By so doing, you will make possible a correct accounting by our treasurer.

Our Choir

Our choir, as you can hear, is very effective, but small, and new members are always welcome.  If you can sing and would like to participate, please speak with our choir director, Reader Christopher Johnson.  Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 (see the schedule), and attendance at them is required (which is directly related to the choir’s effectiveness).

St. Juliana Sisterhood

Our Sisterhood, under the protection of St. Juliana of Lazarevo, always welcomes new members.  Any Orthodox Christian woman who is a member of the parish (see below in “Good Stewards, Good Neighbors”), and is a regular communicant is invited to be a part of the Sisterhood.  Annual Sisterhood dues are $10.00 (not to be confused with parish membership pledges).  The Sisterhood undertakes various projects for the support of the parish.  To join, please obtain a membership form at the candle stand, fill it out and turn it in with the dues to Matushka Anastasia, the treasurer.

Our Sunday School

These classes are available for the 2010-2011 year:

1)      3 to 6 years old, taught by Sophia Blahut and assisted by Matushka Anastasia Dantinne

2)     From 7 to 9 years old, taught by Claire Mendis The pre-k through k and first through second grade classes will be working together this year – The two classes will share materials and class area, and separate to do age appropriate activities while doing prayer time and the occasional game or project together

3)     From 10 to 12 years old, (no students in this age bracket at this time)

4)     From 13 to 15 years old, taught by Mariya Petrenko (no students in this age bracket at this time)

5)     From 16 to 18 years old, taught by Reader Christopher Johnson – The class for older teens will be a study of the scripture readings for the day – Each student will be required to make at least one observation or ask a question relating to the readings, followed by discussion

6)     Adults, taught by Father George – Traditional Orthodox Christian Piety will be reviewed for the instruction of inquirers and as a refresher for those who desire it

Church Cleaning & Flowers

Currently Friday is cleaning day & we adorn the church with donated flowers, whenever possible. A couple of dedicated souls are working at this and could use additional help. If you would like to donate flowers or if you would like to enter the cleaning rotation with a donation of your time and effort, please contact sisters, Mariya (313.618.7646) or Claire (301.807.8495 or

Holy Apostles Chariots

We are blessed to have many Orthodox people in the community who are interested in attending our services. A few are unable to bring themselves to the services. If you need a ride or if you can offer a ride please contact Kyrill Shillenn (301.989.0748) to coordinate.


It is right and good that we should want to receive Holy Communion and prepare for it through repentance and confession.  The best time for this is on Saturday evening, not only because there is plenty of time, but because attendance at Saturday evening Vigil is a traditional part of preparation.  If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:00 AM.  Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers.  As Orthodox Christians, we should do our best to preserve the traditions of the Church.

St. Joseph the Patriarch Young Adults – Special Invitation to all

(not just young adults)

Every other Friday evening at 7 PM, people 18 to 35 meet at the rectory for fellowship and edification.  A presentation follows a Lenten meal.  Currently the regulars are taking turns presenting the life of an Orthodox missionary saint. The group also periodically helps the parish with its projects.  Everyone in this age range is welcomed to this great opportunity to network with other coming-of-age Orthodox in the comfort and informality of a home setting.

At the meeting on November 12th, Ralph Sidway, author of Facing Islam, will give a presentation on his book, to which all, young and old, are invited.  Please let your friends know about our guest speaker.  Please check our website for more information on this presentation.

There will be no meal at this special meeting.  We will offer mulled cider, and ask folks to bring Lenten cookies or snacks.

Ralph H. (Zosimas) Sidway — author of the new book, FACING ISLAM ~ What the Ancient Church has to say about the Religion of Muhammad will be our guest speaker, sponsored by Holy Apostles Orthodox Church and the St. Joseph the Patriarch Orthodox Young Adults, on Friday, November 12th at 7:00 PM. We are opening up this meeting and inviting all, young and old, to come and hear Mr. Sidway speak. Please bring a friend.

Mr. Sidway’s... book and his and talks have a missionary spirit. He emphasizes the incompatibility of Islam with Christianity, yet presents a clear message of love for Muslims in the spirit of the Orthodox Gospel of Jesus Christ.

His new book, Facing Islam, was prompted to some extent by the attacks of 9/11, but even more by events closer to home. In 2005, after a fellow parishioner left the Orthodox Faith and converted to Islam, Mr. Sidway began an intensive study of the subject. In 2008, in preparation for a parish-wide discussion on Islam, he began writing a short article addressing key theological and doctrinal points. This article soon grew into a book-length treatment: Facing Islam - An Orthodox Christian Approach (January 2009), receiving strong encouragement and endorsements from noted authors Serge Trifkovic (Sword of the Prophet, Defeating Jihad), Raymond Ibrahim (The Al-Qaeda Reader) and Gregory Davis (Religion of Peace? Islam's War Against the World). and from Archimandrite Daniel Byantoro, founder of the Indonesian Orthodox Mission and himself a convert from Islam.

Mr. Sidway, whose Christian name is Zosimas, has been an Orthodox Christian since 1987. He is currently a member of Christ the Savior Holy Spirit (OCA) in Cincinnatti Ohio, where he sings in the choir and serves in the altar. He has also worked on the church website and served on the parish council. Ralph Sidway earned his BA in Philosophy from Transylvania University in Lexington Kentucky, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1983. A Rhodes Scholar finalist, Sidway also won an English Speaking Union Scholarship to study at Oxford University. You can read more about his book, FACING ISLAM, on the website

Dressing for Church

While it is important to feel at home in our parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God.  In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed.  No one who is not a small child should wear shorts.  Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts.  Shirts and blouses should cover the shoulders.  Any revealing and borderline-modest clothing is not appropriate.  Slogans should not appear on apparel.  A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles – A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish.  Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.”  By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence.  At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs.

If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution.  We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything.  While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and hostility.

We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life.

A good foundation for giving is 10% of income.  Some of us are doing this already.  Those who so give can testify that God takes care of such benefactors.  First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service.  Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors.  To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Dorothy Johnson.

Save this Date: July 16-17, 2011!

God-willing, we are hoping that Metropolitan Hilarion will be in attendance, as well as Reader Nectarios and the Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Mother of God of Hawaii,  for our 10th Anniversary Parish Feast, July 16-17, 2011

An Engagement!

When the Iveron Icon departed our new church property on the afternoon of the 23rd, our parishioners provided an escort.  Our warden and head sister, Silas and Brigid Diaz, their son Michael, Clare Mendis and her friend, catechumen Matthew Jones, accompanied the icon and steward to Manhattan for a visitation to our Cathedral of Our Lady of the Sign.  While there, at the conclusion of the vigil and in front of the icon, Matthew proposed marriage to Claire and she accepted.  We rejoice with them and pray for fruition of their intent in God’s good time.  It is their fervent prayer that they will be the first wedding the church on the hill, the beautiful historic St. Joseph’s chapel.

A Baptism!

Saturday, November 6th at 2 PM, George Sanchez, the son of Jeremiah and Megumi Sanchez, was baptized into the Church.  Father George and Matushka Deborah are Jeremy’s Godparents and so Jeremy elected to repeat the process and make them Godparents of George as well.  At this same time, Megumi became a catechumen under the heavenly patronage of St. Photini, Equal to the Apostles - the Samaritan woman.  Many years to all!




























Announcements for September

Remember to pray for…

Betty Chisholm (and her husband, Don) as they struggle with the infirmities of age.

An opportunity to help a fellow parishioner

Betty Chisholm would very much like to come to church, but needs a special Medical-Transport van to do so.  If you would like to donate the price of one (1) trip ($103.00), please speak with Matushka Deborah Johnson.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction….

Our parishioner, Olga Prisekin, has lost a lot of her eyesight and her hearing.  She would be grateful for help with grocery shopping, if anyone can donate the time to take her to one of her favorite stores, either MOM’s or Trader Joe’s.  If you would like to help Mrs. Prisekin by driving her to the store, the best way to let her know would be to tell her at church.  It’s easier to communicate with her by writing things down on paper; phone calls are difficult.

Books for Spiritual Growth and (great for gifts too!)

In our bookstore we have these items, all highly recommended (they wouldn’t be there otherwise).  They should be a part of every Orthodox Christian’s library.

Father Seraphim Rose, His Life and Works by Abbot Damascene

Confession, the Holy Mystery of Repentance by Father John Townsend

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Father Michael Pamazansky

We have other books for sale and please also take advantage of our library.

Purchase of Books, Candles, Prosphora and Other Items

Please remember when buying anything from the church to record the item name, quantity, and $ amount on the columned paper at the candle stand.  Also indicate your purchase on the “for” or memo line of a check, or on a slip of paper with your name attached to cash and leave your check or cash in the wicker basket.  By so doing, you will make possible a correct accounting by our treasurer.

Our Choir

Our choir, as you can hear, is very effective, but small, and new members are always welcome.  If you can sing and would like to participate, please speak with our choir director, Reader Christopher Johnson.  Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 (see the schedule), and attendance at them is required (which is directly related to the choir’s effectiveness).

Our Sunday School

2010-2011 classes start on September 12th.   We have these classes available:

1)      3 to 6 years old, taught by Sophia Blahut and assisted by Matushka Anastasia Dantinne

2)    From 7 to 9 years old, taught by Claire Mendis The pre-k through k and first through second grade classes will be working together this year – The two classes will share materials and class area, and separate to do age appropriate activities while doing prayer time and the occasional game or project together

3)     From 10 to 12 years old, taught by Peter Gardner (no students in this age bracket at this time)

4)    From 13 to 15 years old, taught by Mariya Petrenko (no students in this age bracket at this time)

5)     From 16 to 18 years old, taught by Reader Christopher Johnson – The class for older teens will be a study of the scripture readings for the day – Each student will be required to make at least one observation or ask a question relating to the readings, followed by discussion

6)    Adults, taught by Father George – Traditional Orthodox Christian Piety will be reviewed for the instruction of inquirers and as a refresher for those who desire it

Church Cleaning & Flowers

Currently Friday is cleaning day & we adorn the church with donated flowers, whenever possible. We have a need for more volunteers during the autumn months. If you would like to donate flowers or if you would like to enter the cleaning rotation with a donation of your time and effort, please contact sisters, Mariya (musliba [at] yahoo [dot] com) or Claire (301.807.8495 or danikacm [at] yahoo [dot] com).

Holy Apostles Chariots

We are blessed to have many Orthodox people in the community who are interested in attending our services. A few are unable to bring themselves to the services. If you need a ride or if you can offer a ride please contact Kyrill Shillenn (301.989.0748) to coordinate.


It is right and good that we should want to receive Holy Communion and prepare for it through repentance and confession.  The best time for this is on Saturday evening, not only because there is plenty of time, but because attendance at Saturday evening Vigil is a traditional part of preparation.  If, however, because of distance or other considerations (pre-arranged with Father George), it is necessary to confess on Sunday morning before the Liturgy, we should arrive at church for this purpose no later than 9:00 AM.  Also, it is necessary if one is unable to attend vigil, that Saturday evening be spent quietly and prayerfully, preparing for confession and reading the pre-Communion prayers.  As Orthodox Christians, we should do our best to preserve the traditions of the Church.

Dressing for Church

While it is important to feel at home in our parish, it is also important to remember that when we gather for services, we are here for prayer and the worship of God.  In this light, there are traditional customs of dress that should be observed.  No one who is not a small child should wear shorts.  Girls and women should wear head coverings and skirts.  Shirts and blouses should cover the shoulders.  Any revealing and borderline-modest clothing is not appropriate.  Slogans should not appear on apparel.  A Church service is neither the time nor the place for advertisement or self-promotion.

Good Stewards, Good Neighbors – Membership at Holy Apostles – A standard element of the Orthodox Christian life is membership in an Orthodox parish.  Parish membership is the way to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to maintain not only our individual or household Orthodox life, but to maintain our mutual Orthodox life as a parish community, or, as the Holy Apostle puts it, to “bear… one another’s burdens.”  By committing to keeping the parish supplied and in place, we are instruments of God’s providence.  At the same time that we give of our substance, we provide the proper circumstances to supply each other’s spiritual needs.

If you regularly attend services, please consider also that being one of the living stones that St. Peter speaks of entails material contribution.  We read in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, that time when the spiritual temperature of the new-born Church was at its height, that the members gave very generously of their substance, in fact, they gave everything.  While we do not live in their circumstances and are not now called upon to pool everything for the sake of physical survival, we do live in a time of great spiritual incoherence and hostility.

We each need, therefore, to do all we can to secure, maintain and grow our parish so that it may continue to serve as a harbor for those who seek spiritual peace and refuge from the stormy sea of this life.

A good foundation for giving is 10% of income.  Some of us are doing this already.  Those who so give can testify that God takes care of such benefactors.  First of all, they are remembered in prayer at every Divine Service.  Let all who read this be stimulated to become one among the choir of benefactors.  To become a member of the parish, please see our Treasurer, Dorothy Johnson.

Save these Dates!

Yard Sale – Saturday, September 18th

"How beloved are Thy dwellings, O Lord of hosts"

Claire & Mariya, will be hosting a Yard Sale –

Proceeds will go to the church building fund –

Volunteers needed for –

Transport – moving items back and forth between storage and the sale site

Marketing – pricing, customer service and advertising

To be of help, get in touch with Mariya ( or Claire (

Come shop to support the building fund

all are welcome & encouraged to participate.

WHEN: Saturday, September 18, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

WHERE: 602 Burnt Mills Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20901

Parish Picnic – Sunday, October 3rd

(This is an opportunity to invite a guest to experience an Orthodox Liturgy followed by fellowship, if you have questions contact a member our Sisterhood)


The miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of the Iveron Mother of God from Hawaii on Friday, 10/22, and Saturday, 10/23 will be with us for the Vigil and Liturgy for the Optina Elders 


We are expecting Metropolitan Hilarion to be in attendance for our 10th Anniversary Parish Feast, July 16-17, 2011























Old Regular News Updates

The Sick
"I was sick and you visited me." We have petitions for the sick during the Liturgy and every Wednesday at our prayer service before the icon of the Mother of God, "Queen of All;" so, if you or someone you know is sick and needs prayer or would like a visit, please let Father George know.

Our Choir

New members for the choir are always welcome. You are encouraged to take this opportunity to beautifully enhance the services of the Church. If you are able to do so, please speak to our choir director, Christopher Johnson. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 PM.

Our Sunday School
A class for our very young children is being taught by Christopher Johnson and Dorothy Dillon in the library after Trapeza. Father George is teaching a class for older youngsters on an occasional basis. (He would be glad to make it regular!) Let us please keep our Sunday School in our prayers because such instruction is a foundational element in parish life. If you would like to help with the program, please speak to Fr. George. Also, coming up soon, we will embark on a common reading and study of a modern classic in the tradition of the Fathers, “Orthodox Dogmatic Theology.” This work by Father Michael Pomazansky is beloved by those who know it, and this is an opportunity for others to experience its richness. More will be said in the November bulletin.

Our Bookstore
Please see and use our bookstore. As well as books, music service books, icons, CD’s, Pascha egg pendants and other items are available. There is more than one source for the items in our store. When you buy something, please put the following into the donation box, together with the payment (in full, thanks – no future payments or IOU’s): the item name (“book” won’t do) and the dollar ($) amount of the payment. There are note-sized pieces of paper for your use for this purpose on the candle stand. This information will enable us to keep our book-keeping straight. Thank you for supporting the Parish Bookstore. Thanks to Katya Renko for the new seasonal items.

St. Juliana Sisterhood
All women are welcome to be members of our Sisterhood. To become one, please contact Katia Renko before the next Sisterhood meeting. Membership dues range from $2-$5 per month. An excellent opportunity open to both men and women to help maintain the beauty, warmth and hospitable atmosphere of our parish is to take your place on the Church Cleaning Schedule, which is on the bulletin board next to the refrigerator.

We've raised
Our Goal

Want to contribute to our General Fund?

Please go to our Donate Page.

~ Thank you!

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Become a Church Builder!


From 'St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Zealous Builder of Churches'

Everywhere he went he either oversaw the building of churches or supported the same with his attention and prayers... He wrote about the godly work of building churches: 

"In building churches here on earth, we create for ourselves eternal habitations in heaven."


Read the full article here...

Become a Church Builder!
Become a Church Builder!
Become a Church Builder!

Historic Chapel Restoration

Since 2009 we have been restoring our beautiful chapel, gifted to our parish that year by the Christian Brothers.

To date, we have received and administered grants of approximately $400,000 so far, and continue to apply for the grants as they become available.

Support our Building Fund!


Help us build our new Parish Hall,

and move to our historic Chapel Campus!



View Our Visual History

A Digital Slide Show


Building Project Report



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Holy Apostles Orthodox Church, in Beltsville, Maryland, is a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), Eastern American Diocese, founded with the purpose of bringing the Gospel and Divine Services of the Russian Orthodox Church to the people of America in the English language. We invite you to come to any of the Divine Services or events at our mission church. In 2009 we were gifted a beautiful, historic chapel and two-acre campus by the Christian Brothers. Our vision is to establish the parish in its new home, from where the parish can continue to thrive and grow as a living icon of Orthodox missions in America.

EPISTLE BOOK, published by Holy Apostles Orthodox Church


The only Orthodox Epistle Book using the KJV text.

Includes the Acts and the Epistles, arranged for liturgical use according to Russian Orthodox practice. An appendix features all relevant prokeimena and readings for the whole year. Rubrics, introductory notes and monthly calendar for the Church Year are also included. Hardbound with full color dust cover, 632 pages. Published by Holy Apostles Orthodox Church and St Polycarp Press.

Full info and links to order on this special page.

St Romanos the Melodist Society


The St. Romanos the Melodist Society produces and publishes English language music of the Russian Orthodox Church.


The St. Romanos website is the online extension of A Church Singer's Companion, a project started in 1998 with the blessing of Metropolitan (then Archbishop) Laurus. Inspired by the Russian Sputnik Psalomshchika, the Companion is envisioned to contain the music necessary for every service a parish choir might need to sing, while staying simple enough so that any parish choir can sing it.

The St. Romanos Society produces music in both printed and recorded formats, and conducts seminars and workshops on the proper performance of that music. The Society is a sodality of Holy Apostles Orthodox Church, Beltsville, Maryland.

To get started looking at music, proceed to the Church Singer's Companion and begin familiarizing yourself with the content. You'll find there are a few more challenging settings mixed in, marked “difficult” or “very difficult”. Audio or video examples accompany some of the music. In addition, the Introduction provides valuable advice about proper church singing and related topics.

Detailed Reviews and Endorsements by clergy and choral professionals are provided for your consideration.

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