Our Prosphora Practice
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Our Prosphora Practice
November 4, 2018


A new System for our Prosfora Practice

As our parish has grown, there have been occasions when people who have purchased prosfora have not received them.   In order to remedy this situation, we have instituted a new system for handling prosfora:

The Proskomedie

Before each Divine Liturgy, the Service of the Proskomedie is celebrated by the priest.  The people send their lists of names of the people who they want commemorated, living and departed, to the altar.  The lists need to be sent in before the Liturgy, or even during the Evening Vigil, so that the priest can complete the Proskomedie before the Liturgy begins.  If you are a regular attendee at the Liturgy, it is best to use a commemoration book instead of individual pieces of paper.  You can write all your names in the book, the living at the front, the reposed at the back of the book. 

Who can be commemorated

The names on the lists must be Orthodox Christians.  This does not mean that we don’t pray for our non-Orthodox loved ones.  It only means that they are not commemorated at the Divine Liturgy, when, at the end of the service, the particles of the prosfora which have been cut out by the priest, are put into the chalice.  In this way, these people participate in the great Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ.  Only baptized Orthodox Christians may receive the Holy Mysteries.

The cost

The cost of one prosfora is $1.00.  You may pay for your prosfora each Sunday, or by subscription, paying for a month, or even a year, at a time.  If you choose to subscribe, please work out the details with Mariya Petrenko, our treasurer.  Prosfora purchases are tax deductible.  If you want to buy your prosfora each time you come to church, please put your check or cash in the appropriate basket, and fill out the info sheet as to what you have purchased.  Then put your prosfora into the prosfora basket, which goes to the altar, along with your book or papers, and include your name and the number of prosfora which you are purchasing (see below.)

How to do it

If you are sending a commemoration book to the altar, please write your name in the book, and include a piece of paper with the number of prosfora you are requesting.  If you are sending a commemoration sheet or sheets to the altar, write your name on each sheet, and the number of prosfora you are reqesting.  For example, you may have one sheet for the living and one for the departed, and you may be requesting one prosfora for each sheet.  Please arrive before the beginning of the Divine Liturgy in order to send your commemorations to the altar.  No commemorations will be accepted after the Cherubic Hymn begins.

How you will get your prosfora

The priest and altar servers will commemorate and read the names at the altar, then put your book or papers into a baggie along with your requested prosfora.  The bag, with the prosfora and lists, will be sent back to the candlestand for pickup.  We are asking that the adults and parents be the only ones to pick up the prosfora, and that you not allow the little children to do this.

Prosfora bread is holy

The bread is holy, and the crumbs are holy.  We ask that you not allow the crumbs to be spread all over the church.  If you see crumbs on the floor, pick them up and they can be put in the garden outside the church.  Please teach our children to do this too.

Baking the Prosfora

We have volunteers who bake the prosfora; if you would like to volunteer to do that, speak with our head sister, Sherry (Helen) Solodkova.

Information about subscription costs

Prosfora subscriptions are only for Sundays.  For other Divine Liturgies, please purchase your prosfora for each Liturgy. The cost of a yearly subscription to one prosfora is $52 ($1 per Sunday for 52 Sundays.) If you buy two prosfora, it’s $104, etc.

The cost of a monthly subscription to one prosfora is either $4 or $5, depending on the number of Sundays.  If you buy two prosfora a week, it will be $8 or $10, etc.

Also, if you cannot afford to purchase prosfora we can make arrangements for you to receive one per week.  Please let Mariya or matushka Deborah know if that is the case.


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Holy Apostles Orthodox Church, in Beltsville, Maryland, is a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), Eastern American Diocese, founded with the purpose of bringing the Gospel and Divine Services of the Russian Orthodox Church to the people of America in the English language. We invite you to come to any of the Divine Services or events at our mission church. In 2009 we were gifted a beautiful, historic chapel and two-acre campus by the Christian Brothers. Our vision is to establish the parish in its new home, from where the parish can continue to thrive and grow as a living icon of Orthodox missions in America.

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Includes the Acts and the Epistles, arranged for liturgical use according to Russian Orthodox practice. An appendix features all relevant prokeimena and readings for the whole year. Rubrics, introductory notes and monthly calendar for the Church Year are also included. Hardbound with full color dust cover, 632 pages. Published by Holy Apostles Orthodox Church and St Polycarp Press.

Full info and links to order on this special page.

St Romanos the Melodist Society


The St. Romanos the Melodist Society produces and publishes English language music of the Russian Orthodox Church.


The St. Romanos website is the online extension of A Church Singer's Companion, a project started in 1998 with the blessing of Metropolitan (then Archbishop) Laurus. Inspired by the Russian Sputnik Psalomshchika, the Companion is envisioned to contain the music necessary for every service a parish choir might need to sing, while staying simple enough so that any parish choir can sing it.

The St. Romanos Society produces music in both printed and recorded formats, and conducts seminars and workshops on the proper performance of that music. The Society is a sodality of Holy Apostles Orthodox Church, Beltsville, Maryland.

To get started looking at music, proceed to the Church Singer's Companion and begin familiarizing yourself with the content. You'll find there are a few more challenging settings mixed in, marked “difficult” or “very difficult”. Audio or video examples accompany some of the music. In addition, the Introduction provides valuable advice about proper church singing and related topics.

Detailed Reviews and Endorsements by clergy and choral professionals are provided for your consideration.

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