Please make your pledge for 2012! – Work has started on our 2012 budget. The pledge forms are available at the candle stand. Remember to complete the family information part. The due date is today.
2012 Wall Calendars are in and available behind the candle stand for $5.00.
Our Nativity Celebrations – please put into your thoughts and on to calendars our doings surrounding the Nativity of the Lord.
We will celebrate the eve of the feast on Friday, the 6th, with the Royal Hours, Vespers and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil, all starting at 9 AM, and with the festal vigil starting at 6:30 PM.
We will celebrate the Divine Liturgy of the feast on Saturday, the 7th, starting at 9:40 AM.
We will follow immediately with the festal meal at church, not at the rectory. The Nativity Fast is over then, so please contribute your favorite non-fasting dish, signing up on the sheet in our kitchen.
The Saturday evening vigil and Sunday Divine Liturgy will happen at the usual times.
All are invited to the rectory for the singing of Christmas Carols on Sunday evening, the 8th, starting at 6 PM. We will have a potluck with ethnic appetizers, which may of course include American, so please contribute your talent and time to that as well. We expect guests, including clergy, from other parishes and places, so please come to help us celebrate the birth of our Lord.
Pray For and Visit the Aged – "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction." (James 1:27) These ladies are all in Riderwood just west of Rte 95, just past Calverton Shopping Center and would appreciate contact and prayers: Olga Prisekin, Rosalie Belida, Betty Chisholm and Dorothy Dague.
Service Opportunities
Meal Signups – Add your name to the list to offer a meal in the upcoming weeks.
Church Cleaning – Be on the weekly cleaning team and/or give $40 in support.
Nick’s Place – We give non-perishable goods to this halfway house for young men recovering from substance abuse. See Monica Pelt.
Holy Apostles Chariots is our “ride-to-church” service. See Kyrill Shillen.
The Choir – Rehearsals are at 7 PM on Thursdays. New members are needed!
Orthodox Christians on Campus is in recess for the holiday time, and, God willing, will resume in January. St. Joseph’s Young Adults will also take up again in January. Both these ministries are being taken care of by Father Christopher, so speak with him for more information.
Father John Townsend is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land June 12th to 24th, 2012. The price is $3,200 per person; a deposit of $350 is required by February 1st. To find out the exact itinerary and what else the price includes, please look at one of the brochures by the candle stand.
Visitors and Guests please sign in the guest book to the right of the church-shaped donation box, and, if possible, include any contact information such as address, telephone and email.
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From 'St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Zealous Builder of Churches'
Everywhere he went he either oversaw the building of churches or supported the same with his attention and prayers... He wrote about the godly work of building churches:
"In building churches here on earth, we create for ourselves eternal habitations in heaven."