– Fr. George
The first Sunday after the feast of Holy Trinity is called the Sunday of All Saints. On this day the Holy Church prayerfully glorifies all the saints who have pleased God from the ages. Included in this Sunday are the Holy Apostles, prophets, martyrs, bishops, monks, nuns, fools for Christ and all the righteous ones.
Honoring the memory of All Saints soon after the Feast of Holy Pentecost, the Holy Church desires in this way to show that sanctity is the fruit of the Holy Spirit which was abundantly poured forth on the Holy Apostles and through them in the Holy Church is poured forth on all believers.
The Holy Spirit made wise and raised to the ranks of the angels men like unto us, and others were crowned with sanctity for their ascetic and righteous lives. The ascetic feats of the saints were various, as today's Epistle reading informs us. The saints conquered enemies visible and invisible with faith. They patiently endured poverty and all kinds of adversity, persecution, martyrdom, and different forms of death.
The gospel reading of today testifies that the saints were true confessors of the Holy Faith as they left all behind that hindered them from following the Lord or that prohibited them from fulfilling His holy commandments.
And in the same way that they confessed the Lord before people, before mankind, does the Lord Jesus Christ confess the saints before His Heavenly Father. The saints whose memory we commemorate today followed the Lord, they followed His call, and took upon themselves the cross and carried it.
Brothers and sisters, today I am happy to pray with you, and I am pleased that I have the opportunity to celebrate today's feast with you during this church music conference. Your efforts, your fruit: you adorn the services with your prayerful singing. With all my heart I wish you that these conferences will assist you more and more to better the quality of church singing in each of your parishes. This is a great and holy endeavour. May God help you. I will ask that all saints pray to God for us. Amen.
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From 'St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, Zealous Builder of Churches'
Everywhere he went he either oversaw the building of churches or supported the same with his attention and prayers... He wrote about the godly work of building churches:
"In building churches here on earth, we create for ourselves eternal habitations in heaven."